Some unrelated independent third party research might serve to validate
Rossi's reaction theory positing  high energy electron production coming
from a Bosenova of what Rossi calls electron clusters embedded in his

We know these clusters to actually be polariton condensates.

In the video below, Sveinn Ólafsson is shining a laser spot onto some Ultra
dense hydrogen (UDH) and seeing some interference patterns that he cannot
account for.

In the article about polaritons lasers, the same interference patterns are
seen in the article as follows:

also from the underlying source document

What Sveinn is doing is producing what we call  an EVO (aka  polariton
condensate) from an UDH seed when Sveinn excites the UDH with the laser

Sveinn also reports the appearance of high energy particles coming from the
area where the interference pattern appears corresponding with the laser

We see at 8:31 in the video, that high energy particles are produced that
we know from Rossi's paper are electrons.

These electrons have an energy of 1.5 MeV. This same energy was the maximum
energy that we saw in the radiation burst that came from the MFMP LENR
experiment upon activation of heat production. That gamma ray burst was
called the "signal" and took the form of breaking radiation whose top
energy was 1.5 MeV from a Bosenova of an electron cluster.

In addition, Sveinn also sees material degradation at the spot of high
energy particle production on the substrate.

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