Re: [Vo]:EM Drive Rises Above Pathoskeptic Dirge

2016-04-28 Thread Axil Axil

More directly, meteorites from the outer-belt contain hydrated minerals
such as serpentine, carbonates and halite. To the author’s eyes, the most
incredible example is shown in Figure 10, in which is pictured a chondrite
meteorite that was observed to fall near the town of Monahans in Texas
(Zolensky et al. 1999). The meteorite fell in a dry place and was collected
and immediately handed to scientists for study, precluding the possibility
of Terrestrial contamination. Inside the meteorite are found, among other
clear diagnostics for the past presence of liquid water, millimeter-scale
cubic halite (NaCl) crystals. The age of the halite determined from Rb-Sr
radioactive decay is 4.7 ± 0.2 Gyr, essentially equal to the age of the
Solar system. Some of these salt crystals further contain brine pockets (10
µm scale) and, in Figure 10, a gas bubble floating in a brine pocket is
shown (Zolensky et al. 1999). This remarkable specimen leaves no room for
doubt about the role of water in the asteroid belt. The asteroid parent of
Monahans contained ice that was melted, probably in the first few Myr after
the formation of the Solar system. The liquid water reacted chemically with
adjacent minerals forming hydrated species. Evaporation lead to increasing
salinity and the formation of brines in which salt crystals grew. Then, as
26Al and other short-lived elements decayed away, the asteroid cooled and
any remaining water froze. A subsequent collision blasted off fragments,
one of which struck Texas and appears in Figure 10.

[image: Inline image 1]

 D. Jewitt Figure 10. The incredible H5 chondrite Monahans, in which are
found the clear products of aqueous alteration, including cubic salt (NaCl)
crystals (upper left). Inside the salt are several liquid brine pockets
(upper right) and, inside some of the brine pockets, are gas bubbles. The
halite is radioactively dated to 4.7 ± 0.2 Gyr. Monahans is most likely a
piece of an outer asteroid belt object in which much of the ice melted soon
after formation, and boiled away. It is perhaps closely related to the
MBCs. Figure adapted from Zolensky et al. (1999).

These cold bodies should never have been exposed to heat high enough to
melt water unless that heat came from internal processes like cold fusion.

On Fri, Apr 29, 2016 at 1:24 AM, Russ George  wrote:

> Thanks for the request though many of us have been engaging in that very
> discussion for 25 years without making much progress. Jean Pierre Vigier
> was my favourite kindred spirit in such open and far ranging conversations
> but he has passed into the ether himself and alas is not sending me any
> reports or tips since. It’s always been clear that the residual heat of
> accretion, radioactive decay, and insolation could not come close to
> account for the temperature of several planets.
> Surely cold fusion/lenr is not some invention of man, it is a
> characteristic of atom-ecology and likely common in exotic environs such as
> deep within planets. My experiments revealed to me that it is also found in
> some other less dense ecologies as well. My thinking based on observations
> is that it sometimes, fortunately rarely, has characteristic here-to-fore
> undescribed radiation that we simply don’t ordinarily see with the tools we
> are accustomed to using. As Krishnamurti said ‘one does not catch the
> unknown in a net of the known.’
> We need new nets and weaving/engineering those is the fun part of this
> pioneering field, alas the noise is bother as we are bracketed and beset by
> both patho-skeptics and patho-inventors, to say nothing of the ever present
> vultures. Ces’t la vie.  Please send more specific other-worldly examples
> you think are good spoor on the trail to the story you suggest, I am
> interested.
> *From:* Axil Axil []
> *Sent:* Thursday, April 28, 2016 9:41 PM
> *To:* vortex-l
> *Subject:* Re: [Vo]:EM Drive Rises Above Pathoskeptic Dirge
> Dear Russ,
> As the most talented LENR popularest, I recommend that you write an
> article on the active geology on pluto including active ice volcanos
> probably powered by an internal heat source that could only come from a
> LENR reaction at the center of this planet.
> See for background
> On Wed, Apr 27, 2016 at 6:32 PM, Russ George 
> wrote:
> New Physics and the EM Drive is rising and illustrates the crisis in
> physics being experienced by the dogmatic science communities in this and
> many other fields where real revolutionary results are rejected by puppy
> mill pups and professors.

RE: [Vo]:EM Drive Rises Above Pathoskeptic Dirge

2016-04-28 Thread Russ George
Thanks for the request though many of us have been engaging in that very 
discussion for 25 years without making much progress. Jean Pierre Vigier was my 
favourite kindred spirit in such open and far ranging conversations but he has 
passed into the ether himself and alas is not sending me any reports or tips 
since. It’s always been clear that the residual heat of accretion, radioactive 
decay, and insolation could not come close to account for the temperature of 
several planets. 


Surely cold fusion/lenr is not some invention of man, it is a characteristic of 
atom-ecology and likely common in exotic environs such as deep within planets. 
My experiments revealed to me that it is also found in some other less dense 
ecologies as well. My thinking based on observations is that it sometimes, 
fortunately rarely, has characteristic here-to-fore undescribed radiation that 
we simply don’t ordinarily see with the tools we are accustomed to using. As 
Krishnamurti said ‘one does not catch the unknown in a net of the known.’ 


We need new nets and weaving/engineering those is the fun part of this 
pioneering field, alas the noise is bother as we are bracketed and beset by 
both patho-skeptics and patho-inventors, to say nothing of the ever present 
vultures. Ces’t la vie.  Please send more specific other-worldly examples you 
think are good spoor on the trail to the story you suggest, I am interested.


From: Axil Axil [] 
Sent: Thursday, April 28, 2016 9:41 PM
To: vortex-l
Subject: Re: [Vo]:EM Drive Rises Above Pathoskeptic Dirge


Dear Russ,


As the most talented LENR popularest, I recommend that you write an article on 
the active geology on pluto including active ice volcanos probably powered by 
an internal heat source that could only come from a LENR reaction at the center 
of this planet.


See for background




On Wed, Apr 27, 2016 at 6:32 PM, Russ George> > wrote:

New Physics and the EM Drive is rising and illustrates the crisis in physics 
being experienced by the dogmatic science communities in this and many other 
fields where real revolutionary results are rejected by puppy mill pups and 


Re: [Vo]:EM Drive Rises Above Pathoskeptic Dirge

2016-04-28 Thread Axil Axil

Two icy volcanoes may lurk near Pluto’s south pole, images from NASA’s New
Horizons spacecraft suggest.

The images show two mountains that are roughly circular in shape, with deep
depressions at their centres. One of the peaks, Wright Mons, is 3–5
kilometres high, whereas the other, Piccard Mons, is up to 6 kilometres
high. They resemble icy volcanoes, known as cryovolcanoes, on Neptune’s
moon Triton and other frozen worlds.  Flowing ice, rather than hot lava,
fuels cryovolcanoes.


This topographic map shows two potential icy volcanoes on Pluto's surface.

“We’re not yet ready to announce we have found volcanic constructs at
Pluto, but these sure look suspicious, and we’re looking at them very
closely,” says Jeff Moore, a planetary scientist at NASA’s Ames Research
Center in Moffett Field, California, who heads the New Horizons geology
team. Moore spoke on 9 November at the American Astronomical Society’s
Division for Planetary Sciences meeting in National Harbor, Maryland.

The New Horizons team identified the potential volcanoes while assembling a
topographic map that shows the bumps and dips of Pluto's surface in 3D. The
Piccard and Wright mountains are broad — at least 160 kilometres wide —
with craters at their summits. These seem similar to the depressions in
some volcanoes on Earth, where the summit of the volcano drops after lava
beneath it drains away.

If Pluto does indeed have cryovolcanoes, it would suggest that the volatile
ices coating its surface
flow relatively easily both at the surface and just below it, says Robert
Pappalardo, a planetary scientist at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in
Pasadena, California.

Much of the rest of Pluto’s surface is geologically active
, with
towering mountains and smooth icy plains. All that activity suggests that
some internal heat source — most likely the radioactive decay of elements
left over from Pluto’s birth, 4.5 billion years ago — keeps things warm
enough to flow.
Atmosphere puzzle solved?

But cryovolcanoes would require enough heat to send slush from Pluto's
depths squirting through its icy surface. On Triton, the gravitational pull
of nearby Neptune flexes the moon and produces enough frictional heat to
sustain the icy volcanoes, says Carly Howett, a planetary scientist at the
Southwest Research Institute in Boulder, Colorado, and a New Horizons team
member. It is less clear whether Pluto has enough internal heat to fuel

*NASA picks next New Horizons destination*

Other possible explanations for the Wright and Piccard mountains include
tectonic activity that does not involve volcanoes. Jupiter's moon Ganymede
also has cryovolcanic-like features that are not fully understood,
Pappalardo says.

At the meeting, team members began to unveil other new findings from New
Horizons. Among them are data that apparently solve one of the biggest
early puzzles of the mission: how thick Pluto's atmosphere is. Before New
Horizons's 14 July flyby, researchers on the ground measured the
atmospheric pressure tens of kilometres above Pluto's surface by examining
how the atmosphere dimmed and flickered as the dwarf planet passed in front
of nearby stars. Once it reached Pluto, New Horizons used a similar method
to measure pressure down at Pluto’s surface. The New Horizons data showed a
much lower pressure at the surface than was expected by extrapolating from
the measurements higher in the atmosphere.

*Pluto snow forecast poses atmospheric conundrum*

Now, it seems that the apparent discrepancy

be reconciled. Pluto’s atmosphere turns out to be thinner and colder at
high altitudes than was expected, says Randy Gladstone, a New Horizons team
member at the Southwest Research Institute’s headquarters in San Antonio,
Texas. By adjusting the temperature models that explain how pressure at
higher altitudes translates to pressure near the surface, researchers were
able to bring them into line.

“Going in I had this cute idea of how Pluto’s atmosphere worked,” says
Gladstone. “That’s not happening.”

On Fri, Apr 29, 2016 at 12:40 AM, Axil Axil  wrote:

> Dear Russ,
> As the most talented LENR popularest, I recommend that you write an
> article on the active geology on pluto including active ice volcanos
> probably powered by an internal heat source that could only come from a
> LENR reaction at the center of this planet.
> See for background

Re: [Vo]:EM Drive Rises Above Pathoskeptic Dirge

2016-04-28 Thread Axil Axil
Dear Russ,

As the most talented LENR popularest, I recommend that you write an article
on the active geology on pluto including active ice volcanos probably
powered by an internal heat source that could only come from a LENR
reaction at the center of this planet.

See for background

On Wed, Apr 27, 2016 at 6:32 PM, Russ George  wrote:

> New Physics and the EM Drive is rising and illustrates the crisis in
> physics being experienced by the dogmatic science communities in this and
> many other fields where real revolutionary results are rejected by puppy
> mill pups and professors.

Re: [Vo]:EM Drive Rises Above Pathoskeptic Dirge

2016-04-28 Thread Craig Haynie
Russ George wrote in his article @

"The labs and Shawyer though have not been able to offer a ‘theory’ to 
explain the observed experimental evidence"

As I understand it, this is not correct.  Shawyer is working with 
accepted theory. Shawyer developed the drive from accepted theory. He 
produces equations which determine the amount of thrust that the drive 
will develop, and has designed more powerful drives which can take a 
spacecraft to Alpha Centauri in 10 years, from theory.

Which leads me to believe that no one even bothers to seriously talk to 
him. Has Eagleworks even flown him down to their lab  to discuss this?


On 04/27/2016 06:32 PM, Russ George wrote:

New Physics and the EM Drive is rising and illustrates the crisis in physics 
being experienced by the dogmatic science communities in this and many other 
fields where real revolutionary results are rejected by puppy mill pups and 

Re: [Vo]:EM Drive Rises Above Pathoskeptic Dirge

2016-04-28 Thread ROGER ANDERTON
The puppies are influenced by Einstein. I go back to old physics: 18th century 
when unified theory of Newtonian physics was presented by Boscovich: where has 
extended Newton's theory so now repulsive as well as attractive force in 
operation between particles. Boscovich been used by Feynman, been used to 
explain cold fusion, etc. Einstein has alot of maths errors in his physics, one 
Maths contradiction in Einstein's relativity with its connection to Newton
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I videoed this lecture of Professor Dragoslav explaing Boscovich theory and 
some of its modern applications
>From Boscovich's theory to modern quantum theory: Prof Dragoslav Stoiljkovic

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Boscovich been mostly ignored outside of country he is famous Serbia/Croatia, 
and most people there never heard of him.
Boscovich lecture of  lifestory at Royal Society
Boscovich lecture Royal Society Part 1

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On Wednesday, 27 April 2016, 23:32, Russ George  

 New Physics and the EM Drive is rising and illustrates the crisis in physics 
being experienced by the dogmatic science communities in this and many other 
fields where real revolutionary results are rejected by puppy mill pups and 


Re: [Vo]:EM Drive Rises Above Pathoskeptic Dirge

2016-04-28 Thread Peter Gluck
thanks, so well written!

On Thu, Apr 28, 2016 at 1:32 AM, Russ George  wrote:

> New Physics and the EM Drive is rising and illustrates the crisis in
> physics being experienced by the dogmatic science communities in this and
> many other fields where real revolutionary results are rejected by puppy
> mill pups and professors.

Dr. Peter Gluck
Cluj, Romania

[Vo]:EM Drive Rises Above Pathoskeptic Dirge

2016-04-27 Thread Russ George
New Physics and the EM Drive is rising and illustrates the crisis in physics 
being experienced by the dogmatic science communities in this and many other 
fields where real revolutionary results are rejected by puppy mill pups and 