Ken Shoulders contribution to LENR theory: the Exotic Vacuum Object (EVO)
might be useful for more things that just LENR. MFMP has photographed an
EVO near a strange radiation track recently using a low powered microscope.
The EVO is an ideal q-bit, a primary logic component of a quantum computer.
It is self powered, coherent, superfluidic and able to form a Bose
condensate. With the acceptance and understanding of this aspect of the
LENR reaction by science, that is, the understanding about what EVOs are
and the details about how they work, this understanding will form a LENR
knowledge base that will be a revolutionary breakthrough for the field of
quantum computing.

The major job of the Q-bit is to enter a state of quantum mechanical
superposition that gives the q-pit the ability to solve probabilistic and
exponential based problems, learn and even think. The number of q-bits that
can be created in a quantum computer enables the count of superpositions
that this computer can support to be equal to the 2 power exponent of the
number of those q-bits. 72 q-bits are the max so far implemented. But as we
have seen in the LION reactor, hundreds or even thousands of EVOs exist
inside a single micro diamond. A LENR system might one day support billions
of EVOs just like the number of neurons inside the human brain.

LENR tech could support an EVO based quantum computer that can run at
extremely high temperatures and supports millions of q-bits indefinably in
which the neuron like EVO is everlasting. With that level of processing
power, a eternal LENR machine can be built that can think and learn just
like people do.

For more information on the new directions in Quantum research see:

Job One for Quantum Computers: Boost Artificial Intelligence

The fusion of quantum computing and machine learning has become a booming
research area. Can it possibly live up to its high expectations?

Leaving aside whether the human brain is a quantum computer β€” a highly
contentious question β€” it sometimes acts as if it were one. Human behavior
is notoriously contextual; our preferences are formed by the choices we are
given, in ways that defy logic. In this, we are like quantum particles.
β€œThe way you ask questions and the ordering matters and that is something
that is very typical in quantum data sets,” Perdomo-Ortiz said. So a
quantum machine-learning system might be a natural way to study human
cognitive biases.

Quantum computer: We're planning to create one that acts like a brain

We need much more advanced AI if we want it to help us create things like
truly autonomous self-driving cars and systems for accurately managing the
traffic flow of an entire city in real-time. Many attempts to build this
kind of software involve writing code that mimics the way neurons in the
human brain work and combining many of these artificial neurons into a
network. Each neuron mimics a decision-making process by taking a number of
input signals and processing them to give an output corresponding to either
"yes" or "no".

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