Okay, the abstracts are uploaded, as noted.

I hope to have the paper from Robert Duncan by next week.

The conference proceedings will be published by Biberian in his electronic

Here are a few of my own comments about the conference.

The first day of the conference was mainly devoted to nano particle gas
loaded cold fusion, the Arata method. Compared to a few years ago, that
technique has swept the field. Ever since Arata announced his results I have
been hoping this would happen and recommending the technique. I think it is
the most likely to be commercially useful.

Unfortunately Arata himself could not attend the conference, although his
papers listed in the abstracts. Many authors were not able to attend the
conference. I hope that Biberian will accept papers from absent authors.
Otherwise the proceedings will be skimpy.

Takahashi and Kitamura reported on the continuing nano particle work at Kobe
University. I was  disappointed. My impression is that they have not made
much progress. They have still not tried a large sample of material, which I
think might produce significantly more heat.

Dmitriyeva described the nanoparticle loading experiments underway at
Coolescence. They sound promising but I do not think she is ready to sign
off on a definite anomaly yet.

The trouble with the gas loading experiments at Kobe U., the NRL and
Coolescence is that they produce an awful lot of chemical heat and is
difficult to separate the chemical heat from the anomalous heat.

Kidwell, Knies and Dominguez described many different experiments at the
NRL. I found this interesting but disturbing. They have received
calorimetric equipment directly from SRI and energetics technology, cathodes
from ENEA, and nano particle powder from a variety of sources in Japan and
from Brian Ahern. These are hard-working first-class people, yet they still
cannot make experiments produce definite excess heat! I have been under the
impression that given the right materials and instruments, a “person skilled
in the art” (Patent Office jargon) can reliably reproduce cold fusion.
Apparently that is still not true.

The NRL electrochemical experiments have produced marginal levels of heat
several times, and in one recent instance a significant amount of heat.
Unfortunately that run got cut off by technical problem. Dominguez displayed
a bunch a slides describing ~130 experiments. She went zipping through them.
One said “Did not achieve sufficient current density.” She explained later
that it did not reach high enough current density because the recombiner
failed. Another went for only a few days before something else failed. As
she closed the talk she mentioned that they removed the four wire loading
measurement sensor in recent experiments because it causes problems.
Problems with recombiners and four-wire measurements and so on are normal.
These are the reasons the experiments are so hard to do.

I said to her after the talk: "I think it would be helpful if you would
separate the 130 experiments into two groups: 1. Experiments that failed for
a known reason such as a recombiner problem; 2. Experiments that met known
control parameters and should have worked.” She agreed that would be a good
idea. She said that most experiments are in the latter group. Okay, though
I, but if they have removed the 4-wire gadget, they are not measuring
loading so they do not know whether they have met the control parameters. I
do not think they are measuring loading by other methods such as lost gas,
but I may be wrong about that. The four wire measurement is what McKubre
uses, and he is the one who set the minimum loading control parameter
standard. It could be that if you measure loading by some other method you
get a different answer, and a different control parameter standard. For
example, while I do not know this to be the case, the lost gas method may
give a better answer for the entire bulk, but the 4-wire method may tell you
about loading near the surface, and near-surface is where you need the high
loading. So you should stick to McKubre’s method to be sure you are meeting
his parameters.

I hope I can upload their slides so readers can see for yourself what I'm
blathering on about here.

The two Davids Knies and Kidwell described the gas loading experiments in
great detail. They are trying every means they can think of to disprove the
heat or to show that it is all chemical heat. I sense they are running out
of excuses, and they are on the verge of being forced to agree it has to be
anomalous heat. Some people say they have gone too far trying to find
objections, because they don't want to believe it is cold fusion. Others say
they are doing good science and it is up to them to eliminate every
conceivable objection before setting off on experiment. Let the reader

The biggest anomaly is that the heat from deuterium is much higher than from
hydrogen and there is no corresponding endothermic phase after it appears.
That seems definitive to me but they keep looking for D-H exchange reactions
and various other obscure reasons that might explain it. The D-H exchange is
ruled out I think (paper GL-06). Apparently they have one or two other
suspicions left they want to thrash out. To be honest, I do not recall the
details, and the abstract is not explained it enough. (I hate taking notes
during a lecture so I don't recall. When I take notes, I find afterwards
that the only thing I remember is the act of taking notes.)

They look for other anomalies such as particle production and helium. They
get much more helium than predicted by plasma theory. Obviously this
contamination. Frankly, I do not see the point of doing this. They use tiny
amounts of material and get only 10 to 100 J of energy, so there's no way
they could detect the helium even with their superb instruments. So why look
for it?

In paper GL-4 the “commercial” source of nanoparticle powder they refer to
means the powder from the two Japanese companies, Santoku Corp. used at Kobe
U., and the other one used by Arata at Osaka U. I can’t remember the name of
that company. . .

No one knows why the Japanese find anomalous heat from these materials and
the NRL does not. That is disturbing.

Regarding paper EL-11, here is something that was unclear from the abstract
and slides. Some members of the audience were confused. While this paper
mainly describes methods and results from the 1990s, it also describes
current work. Imam is back to work making the Pd-B alloys, and these
experiments are underway again. A couple of years ago Imam sent Storms a
sample of this material and Storms confirmed excess heat from it. Miles
tested the Pd-B when he was in Japan with the NHE and observed excess heat
from it. (The NHE did not want to hear about that, and the guy in charge
couldn’t be bothered to go down the hall and look at it.) Miles recently
tested a new batch and got much more excess heat than he has ever observed
before, with any material. I think it was close to 2 W sustained where used
to get a third of a watt at best. The abstract describes a 9 W boil-off
event, but I don’t recall he talked about this, oddly enough.

It seems a little quixotic to be doing bulk palladium experiments at this
late date but I'm glad someone is still getting excess heat from them.

In EL-12 Miles put to rest concerns about shuttle reactions (a kind of
recombination) in co-deposition experiments. He put them to rest to his
satisfaction, anyway. Miles knows a lot about chemistry and
electrochemistry, and I think his judgment is authoritative. Even the
abstract gives a lot more reasons for his conclusion that most do. I expect
Pam Boss will be pleased to hear about this. It has been a sore point
between her and the NRL.

- Jed

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