(Google translation)
Public lectures: Tomorrow's nuclear power - it becomes cold or hot? 

Date: 2011-11-23
Time: 18:30 to 20:00
Location: Lecture Hall T, Technology Building

Sven Kullander, Professor of High Energy Physics at Uppsala University, 
chairman of the Royal Academy of energy committee 

In the wake of Fukushima-crash discussion again of the future nuclear power. 
The rush to replace the world's eighty percent dependent on fossil fuels coal, 
oil and gas. Severe climate change would be difficult to avoid without massive 
expansion of both renewable energy and nuclear power. 

Very great efforts are made to substantially improve today's nuclear reactors. 
Within a few decades are expected to see a new type of reactors, breeder 
reactors, both safer and more efficient than current reactors. In an even 
longer perspective, the hope is that hot fusion on a large scale to provide 
mankind with almost infinite amount of energy. 

But maybe all these planned large-scale facilities to competition of small 
reactors that could be every man and woman were property. The cold fusion has 
recently been developed in Bologna can be housed in an apparatus which is not 
much bigger than a coffee maker and generating energy only with a few teaspoons 
of nickel powder. 

Welcome! Free admission!

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