First, when negative energy  is discovered to exist, that is a sure sign
that energy is being extracted from the vacuum.

Next, Polaritons, in my view, are at the beating heart of the LENR
reaction. They are the mechanism that generates the plasmoid that carries
the LENR effect.

Polaritons are formed in three ways, they come in three flavors: phonon
polariton, exciton polariton and surface plasmon polariton.

The phonon polariton is produced when a lattice vibration becomes entangled
with an electron.

A amazing discovery that is seemingly unrelated to LENR is causing many in
science to do a double take, how could Science have missed this for
hundreds of years: Sound has mass.

But this mass is not ordinary mass, it is negative mass; yes, the kind of
mass that come from extracting energy from the vacuum, the same kind of
mass that produces anti-gravity that can float a cannon ball in a Hutchison
effect experiment or a exciton polariton that underpins a solid state laser

The phonon polariton might well be at work creating the LENR reaction in
every song that you hear and rustle of leaves in the wind. LENR could be
happening everywhere.

Dot connection as follows: Anti gravity is produced by the negative energy
that comes from the vacuum. Anti gravity means negative energy which means
energy produced from the vacuum which also means polaritons energy

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