Re: [Vo]:Storms: Analysis of Celani calorimeter

2012-12-17 Thread Jed Rothwell
Akira Shirakawa  wrote:

It works for me. Storms' analysis has already been linked a couple times in
> their latest blog post.

You mean you can access it? I can't for some reason. I am using my
Chromebook, without access to the big computer. The "log in" screen
vanishes before I get a chance to log in.

If you can access it, you might as well copy the whole thing, for the
convenience of readers there.

> The MFMP team should better contact him directly, though.

I think they are in contact.

I think their results prove that Celani's method is inadequate. It was not
a waste of time doing this, but they should go on to something better. A
Miles type calorimeter with the temperature measured in 3 or more locations
might be good. The temperatures should all agree at all steps during the
calibration. The outer wall should be copper or some other metal that evens
out the heat.

The problem with that is you can't see inside the cell.

Either that, or go on to a flow calorimeter of some sort.

- Jed

Re: [Vo]:Storms: Analysis of Celani calorimeter

2012-12-17 Thread Akira Shirakawa

On 2012-12-17 15:53, Jed Rothwell wrote:

I cannot access for some reason. If anyone here can
access it, please copy Storms' analysis to it.

It works for me. Storms' analysis has already been linked a couple times 
in their latest blog post.

The MFMP team should better contact him directly, though.


Re: [Vo]:Storms: Analysis of Celani calorimeter

2012-12-17 Thread Jed Rothwell
I cannot access for some reason. If anyone here can access
it, please copy Storms' analysis to it.

- Jed

[Vo]:Storms: Analysis of Celani calorimeter

2012-12-16 Thread Jed Rothwell
Analysis of the Celani calorimeter

Edmund Storms


The Celani calorimeter is the isoperibolic-type with glass being used as
the thermal barrier. The temperature gradient across the barrier is
measured at one location by making physical contact with a thermocouple on
the inside and with another one on the outside of the glass. The device is
calibrated by heating an inert wire within the enclosed gas. The wire being
studied occupies a similar space and is heated separately. Such a design
requires calibration be done using exactly the same conditions as the
proposed measurement.

The isoperobolic-type calorimeter relies on measuring a temperature
gradient across a thermal barrier through which all energy passes.
Stability requires the reference temperature be constant and the delta T
represent the average at all points on the thermal barrier. The Celani
design fails on both counts. The reference temperature (outside surface of
the glass) is not constant and the inside temperature does not represent
the average inside temperature because it is measured at one arbitrary
location. Heat generated by the wire will create convection currents within
the gas and these will heat the glass in uneven ways with respect location
and time. In addition, these convection currents will not be the same when
the gas is heated by the calibration wire and by the wire being studied.
Therefore, determination of this potential error is the first important

This calorimeter will have a delay between when the power is changed and
when the temperatures become constant. Determining this time is an
essential measurement. No temperature measurement has any value until this
time has passed. Consequently, calibration must be taken as individual
points, with the required delay between each one, first going up in
temperature and then an equal number taken going down in temperature. These
points should be plotted as applied power vs delta T to which a least
squares equation of the form W = A + ∆T*B + ∆T^2*C is applied. This
equation is then used to calculate any excess by subtracting the amount of
applied power. Because loss by radiation will be the same during
calibration and during the study of the Celani wire, it can be ignored.

This sequence must be done several times under various gas compositions and
pressures to determine the effect of these variables. Any lack of
consistent behavior reveals the magnitude of the error in the measurement.
Future use of the calorimeter to study a potentially active wire will be
limited by the magnitude of this variation, with no excess heat being
considered real if it lies within this error band. Consequently, this error
band must be evaluated before the calorimeter is put to use and the
magnitude reduced if possible. Until, the magnitude of this error band is
determined no result using the Celani wire can be trusted.

Errors can be expected from the following sources:

1. The outside temperature will fluctuate as a result of changes in room
and random convection currents around the calorimeter.

2. The inside temperature will fluctuate as the convention currents within
the gas change with applied power and time.

3. The pressure will change as the amount of power is changed, which will
change the amount of heat communicated to the glass. This change will not
be reproducible by some unknown amount.

4. The calibration wire and the Celani wire will not produce the same
convection currents, hence the calibration equation will not represent the
behavior of the wire by some unknown amount.

In general, the more places the ∆t is measured on the glass, the better.
The more isolated the system is from random convection currents in the
room, the better. Use of a fan blowing on the outside can reduce these

A basic problem exists in how this device is designed. The Celani wire will
be heated to some unknown temperature during calibration by convection
currents. The amount of excess power this temperature will produce is
unknown. The Celani wire and the calibration wire will produce different
convection currents, hence will heat the single spot where ∆T is measured
differently. Consequently a valid calibration is not possible. The only
hope is that the magnitude of the excess power is great enough to overwhelm
these errors. So far, this has not been demonstrated.