I have created a new document to supplement Mizuno's recent paper:

Mizuno, T. and J. Rothwell, *Supplemental Information on 'Increased Excess
Heat from Palladium Deposited on Nickel'* 2019: LENR-CANR.org


So far it includes three sections:

Nickel Toxicity

WARNING: The steps described in this paper can produce fine nickel powder,
which can be toxic. The procedures in this paper should be performed in
properly equipped laboratory, in a glove box or other enclosure. Disposable
gloves and masks should be worn when handling these materials. They should
also be worn to avoid contaminating the materials. *Only people skilled in
the art should attempt to replicate this experiment. *

Q&A Responses by Mizuno

Uploaded here already

Temperature Distribution Study

An image and graph showing the surface temperature of the reactor.

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