Publication number
EP1642301 A2Publication typeApplicationPublication dateApr 5, 2006Filing
dateJun 12, 2004Priority date
Jun 13, 2003Inventors
Robert F. 
Gazdzinski, Robert
International Classification
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3 More »European Classification
H05H 1/22B

Fusion apparatus and methods
EP 1642301 A2 (text from WO2005001845A2)

Improved apparatus adapted to utilize available fuels and components to
produce practical nuclear fusion in a comparatively confined space. In an
exemplary embodiment, one or more glass fibers are used as a containment
medium for the nuclear fuel (e.g., Deuterium or Lithium). The fibers are
also optionally tapered and porous in order to permit introduction of
gaseous fuel along a portion of their length. A high-intensity energy
source (e.g., pulsed femto-second laser) is used to excite and contain the
fuel to fusion temperature through, inter alia, pondermotive forces
generated within the fiber(s). The effluent from the device can be used for
any number of purposes, such as to drive a magneto-hydrodynamic generator
in order to generate electricity.

-- excerpt --

The hollow fiber approach of the present invention using fueled fibers
containing D-Pd, increases both of these parameters significantly. More
fusion fuel is incorporated, and a fiber-confined laser beam is used to
maintain maximum laser intensity over a longer distance. In the exemplary
embodiment, a choice for a stable solid fuel is deuterated palladium
(D-Pd), otherwise known as a "halide" or "deuteride". Palladium is a metal
in the Platinum family, with an extraordinary propensity to absorb hydrogen
and its heavy isotope deuterium. At maximum deuterium "loading", there are
equal numbers of Pd and D atoms in the material. The palladium actually
swells in size visually, as deuterium is added. Palladium is made into a
negative cathode, and positively charged deuterium ions are made to strike
it. X-ray measurements of the material show that the inter-deuterium
distances are on the order of 1 Angstrom. In other words, they are very
close to the inter-atomic deuterium distances present in frozen deuterium
clusters. However, unlike frozen clusters, they are stable and can be used
in air and at room temperatures.

On Mon, Mar 4, 2013 at 8:06 AM, Kevin O'Malley <> wrote:

> I wonder if anyone has ever tried using magnetic containment around a
> Deuterium loaded Palladium matrix?  Watching the video suggests that
> Lockheed worries about escape mechanisms that need containment; if they
> reduce the number of escape paths by using a Palladium matrix, that could
> make the whole thing more controllable.  And, of course, vorticians know
> that such a Palladium matrix would even generate its own LENR.
> On Sat, Mar 2, 2013 at 10:07 AM, Mark Iverson <>wrote:
>> No, it isn’t LENR, but it does use Deuterium as a fuel… and RF energy to
>> heat the fuel.****
>> Small, simple (relatively speaking) and scalable… and commercial by 2025.
>> ****
>> ** **
>> “Nuclear Fusion in Five Years?”****
>> ****
>> ** **
>> “Lockheed Martin’s Skunk Works is famous for developing advanced
>> technologies. Now Skunk Works Program Manager Charles Chase has outlined
>> their plan for creating a 100 MW Fusion prototype by 2017.”****
>> ** **
>> “While technical details in Chase’s talk were sparse (it is a black ops
>> division) he did say that back at Skunk Works *they have built a compact
>> experimental apparatus and are already seeing good results*.”****
>> ** **
>> -Mark****

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