Kaku’s statements about the exposure due to I-131 is off base.  This fission 
product has a half life of about 8 days.  It is mostly out of the picture, 
unless a new criticality occurs.  He does not address this issue.  If a new 
criticality were to occur a much larger region in Japan may become 
contaminated.  If the criticality happened and conditions were appropriate to 
allow a super critical chain  reaction, a nuclear explosion would result and 
would likely result in even more wide spread contamination IMHO.

I consider that the most likely health issues will result from mobile 
radioactive isotopes  with relatively long half-lives contaminating the ground 
water.  These include C -12, I-129, Se-79, Sr-90, Tc-99  Cs-137 and radioactive 
actinides soluble in water as a carbonate complex ion.  The geochemistry at the 
site effects the concentration of the complex carbonate ions.

The “nuclear village” in Japan is the biggest issue the population faces IMHO.  
Kaku does a reasonable job of identifying this problem.

Bob Cook

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From: Axil Axil<mailto:janap...@gmail.com>
Sent: Thursday, August 17, 2017 10:06 AM
To: vortex-l<mailto:vortex-l@eskimo.com>
Subject: [Vo]:Fukushima Revisited - Dr. Michio Kaku - Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear 
Facility Is A "Ticking Time Bomb"


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