RE: [Vo]:The deep tunnel vision of Big Fizz

2016-07-21 Thread Bob Cook

I think you found an important, long-term theoretical source of information on 
new physics.  Good work.  I tend to agree with your veiled suggestion that the 
Big Fizz groupie is about to go flat and lose its tangy appeal to its 

The Cooper paring proposed by Matti rings true IMHO.  The linear nature of the 
nuclear entities
associated with the magnetic tubes would introduce new coupling mechanisms for 
the system, whatever you want to call it.

How spin and angular momentum is conserved by Matti’s theory would be important 
in designing an engineered system to facilitate reactions via appropriate 
resonances considering the calculated coupling mechanisms.

Bob Cook

Sent from Mail<> for Windows 10

From: Axil Axil<>
Sent: Thursday, July 21, 2016 11:34 AM
To: vortex-l<>
Subject: Re: [Vo]:The deep tunnel vision of Big Fizz…bose-einstein-condensate/

The Reinterpretation of Cold Dark Matter as a Bose-Einstein Condensate

Any particle that has no mass travels at the speed of light, any particle
that has mass travels at a speed below the speed of light. The Bose
condensate gives photons mass and that is why light slows down inside the
Bose condensate, inside the condensate photons have mass. There is a theory
of dark matter that says that galaxies contain huge expanses of space that
are Bose condensates. In that space, photons have mass and move at a
speed less than light.

What causes those condensates to form? It is dusty plasma that pervades
vast stretches of space. In that plasma, SPPs form and produce a Bose
condensate. You can expect that in LENR, light will move slow and have
mass. In vast stretches of space, LENR is going on and producing dark
matter in the form of photons with mass.

On Thu, Jul 21, 2016 at 2:12 PM, Jones Beene  wrote:

> You may have seen this story (if you follow “dark matter” on google
> alerts)
> **
> <>
> The deep underground experiment failed to find WIMPs once again…
> surprise, surprise… and that is doubly punny since “wimpy” is emblematic
> of Big-Fizzix these days. Just look at the array of 3-letter boondoggles which
> are role models for LUX (WIMPs) – NIF, ITER, JET, LHC… with almost nothing
> provable to show for the 10s of billions invested.
> LUX will waste another $50,000,000 next go-round, most of that going
> generous retirement funds -- but if they weren’t so close-minded to the
> alternatives … and did not fear identifying the most likely candidate for
> DM, which is dense hydrogen (UDH), then they could invite Holmlid to the
> party … to perform an experiment nearby which could cost less than a
> tenth of a percent of budget. That would be one of many possibilities
> which will never be tried because the burden of eventual success will be
> too heavy for the wimpy … since it will be a tacit admission of the dense
> hydrogen connection to LENR. They might even have to admit that Matti has
> something to say on the topic…
> **
> <>
> Heaven forbid that the chosen ones should forego reeling in 5 more years
> of excess, instead of taking the blinders off … WIMPs were a brain-dead
> invention from day one insofar as they ignore dense hydrogen in favor of
> another acronym whose main purpose is big bucks for Big Fizz.

Re: [Vo]:The deep tunnel vision of Big Fizz

2016-07-21 Thread Axil Axil…bose-einstein-condensate/

The Reinterpretation of Cold Dark Matter as a Bose-Einstein Condensate

Any particle that has no mass travels at the speed of light, any particle
that has mass travels at a speed below the speed of light. The Bose
condensate gives photons mass and that is why light slows down inside the
Bose condensate, inside the condensate photons have mass. There is a theory
of dark matter that says that galaxies contain huge expanses of space that
are Bose condensates. In that space, photons have mass and move at a
speed less than light.

What causes those condensates to form? It is dusty plasma that pervades
vast stretches of space. In that plasma, SPPs form and produce a Bose
condensate. You can expect that in LENR, light will move slow and have
mass. In vast stretches of space, LENR is going on and producing dark
matter in the form of photons with mass.

On Thu, Jul 21, 2016 at 2:12 PM, Jones Beene  wrote:

> You may have seen this story (if you follow “dark matter” on google
> alerts)
> **
> The deep underground experiment failed to find WIMPs once again…
> surprise, surprise… and that is doubly punny since “wimpy” is emblematic
> of Big-Fizzix these days. Just look at the array of 3-letter boondoggles which
> are role models for LUX (WIMPs) – NIF, ITER, JET, LHC… with almost nothing
> provable to show for the 10s of billions invested.
> LUX will waste another $50,000,000 next go-round, most of that going
> generous retirement funds -- but if they weren’t so close-minded to the
> alternatives … and did not fear identifying the most likely candidate for
> DM, which is dense hydrogen (UDH), then they could invite Holmlid to the
> party … to perform an experiment nearby which could cost less than a
> tenth of a percent of budget. That would be one of many possibilities
> which will never be tried because the burden of eventual success will be
> too heavy for the wimpy … since it will be a tacit admission of the dense
> hydrogen connection to LENR. They might even have to admit that Matti has
> something to say on the topic…
> **
> Heaven forbid that the chosen ones should forego reeling in 5 more years
> of excess, instead of taking the blinders off … WIMPs were a brain-dead
> invention from day one insofar as they ignore dense hydrogen in favor of
> another acronym whose main purpose is big bucks for Big Fizz.