Augmenting Reality: Axions, Anyons, and Entangled Histories

Frank Wilczek’s presentation about Axions starts at 4:00 into the video.

Axions were invented to solve the proton decay problem. Breaking time
reversal symmetry is required to force the proton to decay. But the
constraints placed on quarks by relativity, quantum mechanics, and gage
symmetry of particles makes time reversal symmetry very unlikely to occur.
Because there are three levels of quarks, a parameter of time reversal
symmetry breaking exists as a single scalar parameter called theta.
However, the color gluons introduce a connection between electric and
magnetic interactions that allow the theta parameter of time reversal to
become dynamic and therefore accessible to manipulation.

The time reversal behavior of these color gluons can be affected under EMF
influences. Specially, magnetic fields change the behavior of time reversal
behavior of the color gluons. A magnetic field can induce a non zero theta
value that will produce an electric dipole moment in the color quarks.
Induced electric dipoles in particles produce time reversal symmetry
breaking in color gluon mediated quarks.

No electric dipole charge distribution has ever been detected in particles
which imply that time reversal symmetry breaking does not occur in
particles. To explain this observation a new symmetry has be discovered
called the Peccei-Quinn (PQ) Symmetry which covers the theta parameter as a
coupling constant. Because of PQ symmetry breaking which always happens,
this forces the theta parameter to near zero. In other words, a dynamic
theta means that its zero value is favored. The theta parameter is a field
that has a quanta value and an associated force carrying particle called
the Axion which couples very strongly to theta and therefore is has very
small mass.

Axions can interact with magnetic fields to produce photons. This means to
me that photons can interact with the PQ symmetry to produce axions.

In condensed matter systems, axions can be created as emergent particles.

It seems to me that a condensed matter system can produce axions that are
capable of inducing a non-zero value of the theta parameter so that the
gluon color force will generate a decay of the hadron.

Experimental evidence of this disruptive nuclear effect is available. Here
is another SEM micrograph that shows a LENR active agent produced in a LENR
reactor fuel preparation process, most probably an ultra-dense hydride
micro particle that generates transmutation of graphite into a metal. The
LENR agent has penetrated the graphite and settled on its bottom and is
generating metal nanowire there.

Stimulated Emission of Dark Matter Axion from Condensed Matter Excitations

“In this paper, we discuss a possible consequence of the Bose-Einstein
condensation of the dark matter axions: stimulated emissions of the axions.
Based on the coupling between the axion field and the electromagnetic
field, we discuss the stimulated emissions of the axions from collective
excitations in various condensed matter systems. In particular, as a
concrete example, we investigate the stimulated emission from the magnetic
vortex strings in type II superconductors, where a mobile vortex ensemble,
such as vortex flow or vortex liquid, is realized near the critical
temperature. The emission rate of the dark matter axions are estimated, and
a possible experimental signature of the emission is discussed.”

Recently, Axions have be detected emanating from condensed matter systems.

Holmlid has shown that ultra dense hydrogen is superconductive and forms a
Bose condinsate at room temperature. The UDH is covered with a spin wave
that may host a vortex based condensation of polaritons that could emit a
flow of axions,

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