Re: [Vo]:Census Community Survay..what is the remedy if I fail to produce?

2010-02-20 Thread Alexander Hollins
its information that is being collected generically, not about you
personally.  therefore doesnt fall under search and seizure, as you
aren't being searched, and nothing is being seized.  Im normally the
first to scream about big brother, but since they dont tie the data to
a person, why sweat it?

On Sat, Feb 20, 2010 at 5:56 PM,   wrote:
> The US Dept. of Commerce Census of the American Community Survey demands:
> When was your house built
> How many acres does it set on
> How may automobiles do you have
> What fuel do you use
> What was you electric bill
> What is you heat bill
> What is you race
> How well do you speak English
> What year did you get married
> Is the grandparent watching the kids.
> Are you looking for a job
> Have you give birth within the last 12 months
> Who did you work
> Do you get VA assistance or unemployment compensation
> What was your sewage bill
> Is anyone getting food stamps
> Do you have a mortgage
> DO you have a home equity loan
> Have you attended school
> What are you degrees
> Do you have health coverage
> Are you hared of hearing
> Do you have an emotional condition
> Did you work last week
> Who did you work for
> Were you in the armed services
> What is you earned and interest income
> What is you marital status.
> I have never committed a crime in my life.  It says I have to answer all of
> these questions by law.
> If I do not answer this will be my first crime of violation of the law.  If
> take my amendment rights of Unreasonable search and Seizure.  What will be
> my fine and jail time?
> Frank Znidarsic

Re: [Vo]:Census Community Survay..what is the remedy if I fail to produce?

2010-02-20 Thread Kyle Mcallister
--- On Sat, 2/20/10, Stephen A. Lawrence  wrote:

> From: Stephen A. Lawrence 
> Subject: Re: [Vo]:Census Community Survay..what is the remedy if I fail to 
> produce?
> To:

> First, I'm pretty sure that it's a misdemeanor at worst,
> and there isn't
> any jail time, there probably isn't any fine, and you won't
> get a
> criminal record as a result of failing to respond to the
> census.

Theoretically, $100 fine for refusing to respond, $500 for lying knowingly. No 
jail time, unless you try to skew the results knowingly for nefarious purposes. 
But I doubt that's ever been prosecuted either, or else most of the American 
government would probably have spent time behind bars, no matter which end of 
the political spectrum they came from.

There are some good questions on the Census, which are important to answer for 
representative appointment, allocation of resources, etc. You should answer 
these, in my opinion. But, that said, some of the questions they ask are just 

One I'd have fun with is the question, what race are you. When I took it, they 
didn't have a listing for "Injun" so I had to choose native american or white. 
Technically I could go either way. I don't remember which one I put down (been 
a few years), but I know I determined it scientifically by way of throwing a 
coin into the air.
If asked now, I'd ask why our postracial president wants to know. Maybe give 
the census taker the evil eye and ask, "Are you a /racist/?"
That always scares people.

I did get the census taker laughing when asked if I worked. I said yes, I do my 
patriotic duty and work hard to help pay for millions on welfare. When asked if 
I was on food stamps, I said no, I pay for my my luxury foods (when I can 
afford them) with my own earned cash. I don't steal from the taxpayer to buy 
beer with an EBT card. Yes, you can get away with that in NY.

Above all, my advice on this is, don't sweat it. Maybe have a little fun, in 
the spirit of the great George Carlin with these people. And if you're polite 
about it, and make it clear that you are NOT angry or being disrespectful to 
the census taker, you might just get a hearty laugh out of them.



Re: [Vo]:Census Community Survay..what is the remedy if I fail to produce?

2010-02-20 Thread Stephen A. Lawrence

On 02/20/2010 07:56 PM, wrote:
> I have never committed a crime in my life.  It says I have to answer
> all of these questions by law. If I do not answer this will be my
> first crime of violation of the law.  If take my amendment rights of
> Unreasonable search and Seizure.  What will be my fine and jail
> time?

First, I'm pretty sure that it's a misdemeanor at worst, and there isn't
any jail time, there probably isn't any fine, and you won't get a
criminal record as a result of failing to respond to the census.

Second, speaking from experience, what they *actually* do if you fail to
respond is follow up with another letter or phone call, and if you
stubbornly ignore them, AND if enough other people stubbornly ignore
them so that they can't get decent figures for your area, they *MIGHT*
send someone to your house to ask you, up close and personal, who you
are, and all those other questions you didn't want to answer.  They
don't want to punish you; they just want you to answer their questions.

But, really, they probably won't actually do anything.

So, don't lose any sleep over it.

On the other hand, responding to the census is probably a "public good"
which you really ought to do.  You also may benefit your community, your
particular ethnic group, your political party, etc, by responding, and
letting the Government know you're a member of those entities. 
"Strength in numbers" is very important in a democracy.  Filling out the
census form is, quite literally, another way of voting:  You are voting
on the importance of every group of which you tell them you're a member.

One reason local communities get all excited about getting people to
respond to the census is that their share of federal funds under various
acts depends on their population, and that's determined by the outcome
of the census.

Two other very important things which are determined by the census are
the number of state representatives for each community, and the number
of congressional representatives from each state.

[Vo]:Census Community Survay..what is the remedy if I fail to produce?

2010-02-20 Thread FZNIDARSIC
The US Dept. of Commerce Census of the American Community Survey  demands:
When was your house built
How many acres does it set on
How may automobiles do you have
What fuel do you use
What was you electric bill
What is you heat bill
What is you race
How well do you speak English
What year did you get married
Is the grandparent watching the kids.
Are you looking for a job
Have you give birth within the last 12 months
Who did you work
Do you get VA assistance or unemployment compensation
What was your sewage bill
Is anyone getting food stamps
Do you have a mortgage
DO you have a home equity loan
Have you attended school
What are you degrees
Do you have health coverage
Are you hared of hearing
Do you have an emotional condition
Did you work last week
Who did you work for
Were you in the armed services
What is you earned and interest income
What is you marital status.
I have never committed a crime in my life.  It says I have to answer  all 
of these questions by law.
If I do not answer this will be my first crime of violation of the  law.  
If take my amendment rights of Unreasonable search and Seizure.   What will 
be my fine and jail time?
Frank Znidarsic