Re: [Vo]:NEDO project update

2017-03-14 Thread Jed Rothwell
I wrote:

> This is project to be funded at $1 million per year for 20 years, with 15
> different research categories. So I guess we are talking about $67,000 per
> year.

Sorry, I misread that. The grants are for 1 or 2 years, and there are 15
categories. The amount of the grant is either 100 million yen, or 20
million yen, depending. ($1 million or $200,000.) This is explained in
section III in the main page:

III. 研究開発テーマの規模・NEDO負担率

1億円程度以内/(年・件) (委託:NEDO負担率100%)


Google translate with comments added by me:

III. Scale of R & D theme · NEDO burden ratio
About 100 million yen / (year · [*per*] matter [*meaning subject; project*])
(consigned: NEDO burden ratio 100%)
(Note) In the case of implementation only by universities / [*or*]
public [*government
owned*] research institutions, the scale is limited to 20 million yen.

In other words, when the project is conducted only at a university or
national lab, the maximum budget is 20 million yen. The project in question
has corporate participants so I guess it is slated for $1 million.

Participants are: Technova Inc., Nissan Automobile, Kyushu Nat. University,
Tohoku Nat. University.

You can do a search for information on this project, limiting the search to
NEDO pages, with the following Google search term:

site: 金属水素

This works better than the longer search term I listed before.

- Jed

Re: [Vo]:NEDO project update

2017-03-13 Thread Jed Rothwell
The link to the document did not format correctly. Here it is again:

[Vo]:NEDO project update

2017-03-13 Thread Jed Rothwell
I reported here last year: "NEDO cold fusion RFP still in progress." I said:

A couple of years ago, the Japanese government NEDO agency circulated a
document suggesting that the government invest in cold fusion.
The CleanPlanet web site describes this:
This links to an article by Krivit and the NEDO proposal.

The last news from the NEDO site was the the project and RFP requests were

This is project to be funded at $1 million per year for 20 years, with 15
different research categories. So we are talking about $67,000 per year. I
do not see cold fusion listed in the latest version of the RFP.

The term they are using for cold fusion is 金属水素間新規熱反応 ( new thermal
reaction in metal hydrides). Just now I did a Google a search for that
topic within current NEDO web pages, to see if there any more news of this.

Here is a site-specific search for this term.

site: 金属水素間新規熱反応

This leads to a preliminary study from last year:…01607/2016000621.html

That document is partly in English. The NEDO site can be hard to reach, so
here is the English text from that document, in case you have trouble
accessing it.

Interim Report for the period of H-27 (2015) to H-28 (2016) on
R&D Subject: Advanced Research Program for Energy and Environmental
/ Phenomenology and Controllability of New Exothermic Reaction between
Metal and Hydrogen

Outline of Project:

This NEDO-MHE (metal hydrogen energy) project aims at verification of the
new exothermic reaction of nano-metal hydrogen gas systems and
clarification of development subjects for the next stage national project,
by the following works:

1) Installation of a new precise calorimetry system in Tohoku University
and confirmation of the new exothermic reaction by it.

2) Evaluation of the new exothermic phenomena between nano-metal and
hydrogen gas from various analysis angles of co-operating experimental
works of 6 collaborated parties (Technova Inc., Nissan Motors Co., Tohoku
U., Kyushu U., Nagoya U, Kobe U.) .

3) Feasibility study on realization of commercial energy devices and status
study on world- wide works.

4) To hold the leading R&D committee in every two months to discuss status
results academically and strategically.

Brief Summary of Implemented Works:

1) A design was made for new MHE calorimetry facility by improving/adding
temperature sensors, heat flux estimation, and oil cooling parts to the
basic Technova-Kobe MHE experimental system, aiming at more precise
calorimetric evaluation of proposed MHE sample runs. In the reported
period, we have finished ordering necessary components/parts, and some have
been already delivered to Tohoku University for the system assembling to be
started in April 2016.

2) By using the existing MHE experimental system at Technova-Kobe U in
Fukae Campus, examination works have been done with two typical MHE samples
(PS3=nanoPd/mesosilica and PNZ3=Pd1Ni7/ZrO2) to carry out multi-angle
analyses on excess heat phenomena which are difficult to explain by
ordinary chemical reactions.

Discussion has been done for preparing next samples for MHE examination.
Kyushu University and Nagoya University are independently making own
designed nano-metal samples. These samples will be tested in May and July

3) Survey works on world-wide works on anomalous excess heat phenomena by
various methods are underway, for understanding current status of
technological developments.

4) Leading R&D Committee meetings: The first LRDC meeting was held at
Technova on February 5 2016 with attendees from 6 parties, NEDO members and
an external science monitor.

Presentations on analyses of No.1 co-operational experiment with PS3 sample
were made by 6 parties, and development status of each party was reported.
Some hot discussions were exchanged on experimental data and future planned
works. LRDC will be held in every two months.