Re: Re [Vo]:Pictures of debris from the Roswell Crash Site

2020-06-04 Thread Jones Beene
 Was it found in Penn. or NM? 

The Naval Air Development Center (NADC), was an old aircraft factory in 
Johnsville PA turned into an R&D facility (according to Wiki). Now closed.

They were probably testing early catalytic converters for use in vessels where 
carbon monoxide was a threat. It could easily be 70 years old and of different 
(i.e. triangular channel) construction whereas modern converters are 

Hope you did not pay much for it Frank, but the good news it will contain some 
precious metals - palladium, platinum etc.
If not then it is more of mystery.

Stealing converters has become a major criminal activity out here in CA as some 
of them have hundred of dollars worth of precious metals, the older the better. 
No questions asked.

 Hi Jones, Good point. I looked at some scap metals web pages to see the inside 
details of some of the older cataytic converters, and their Platinum channels 
look similar... as you pointed out, but there are some differences. All the 
catalytic converters that I saw there had square channels of platinum.  But 
Frank's channels were triangular. <><><>
   <><><>And Frank's parts he described as Ceramic. Could they be 
carbon or graphite? Because he said one of them looked burnt or charred on one 
side.   Maybe it came from the cleanup crew army vehicle. Is it possible the 
very first catalytic converters were built that way-  with a ceramic?Maybe it 
was some kind of early heat exchanger... or perhaps it was of extraterrestrial 
origin.  It needs some testing. Colin  
 - Original Message - From: Jones Beene  To: vortex  Sent: Thursday, 
June 04, 2020 5:48 PM Subject: Re [Vo]:Pictures of debris from the Roswell 
Crash Site 
 Good thing for us tree huggers that those aliens used catalytic converters 
on their UFOs ...     ;-) 
 Takes a lot of fuel to get here from Proxima Centauri b and that is a big no-no
 Actually (before someone brings up the point) - the catalytic converter was 
indeed invented before the Roswell incident. 
 Here is the inventor. 
 This is not to suggest that the artifact isn't of extraterrestrial origin...
   Colin Quinney wrote  

 Hello Frank,   (Long time...)   Thank you for bringing that to our attention. 
That is truly fascinating. What is the story behind the acquisition?   Has the 
material been lab tested? Type of ceramic, atomic structure, etc? (I wish my 
late friend Nick Reiter was still alive. He would love to test it.)    Have you 
or anyone else applied any kind of high voltage, or electromagnetic energy 
while weighing the samples?     
 - Original Message -  From: Frank Znidarsic 
Subject: Pictures of debris from the Roswell Crash Site

   I had a chance to get my hands on the debris. 
 Frank Znidarsic

Re: Re [Vo]:Pictures of debris from the Roswell Crash Site

2020-06-04 Thread Colin Quinney
Hi Jones,

Good point. I looked at some scap metals web pages to see the inside details of 
some of the older cataytic converters, and their Platinum channels look 
similar... as you pointed out, but there are some differences. All the 
catalytic converters that I saw there had square channels of platinum. 

But Frank's channels were triangular. <><><>
And Frank's parts he described as Ceramic. Could they be carbon or graphite?

Because he said one of them looked burnt or charred on one side.

Maybe it came from the cleanup crew army vehicle. Is it possible the very first 
catalytic converters were built that way-  with a ceramic?
Maybe it was some kind of early heat exchanger... 
or perhaps it was of extraterrestrial origin. 

It needs some testing.


  - Original Message - From: Jones Beene 
  To: vortex 
  Sent: Thursday, June 04, 2020 5:48 PM
  Subject: Re [Vo]:Pictures of debris from the Roswell Crash Site

  Good thing for us tree huggers that those aliens used catalytic converters on 
their UFOs ... ;-)

  Takes a lot of fuel to get here from Proxima Centauri b and that is a big 

  Actually (before someone brings up the point) - the catalytic converter was 
indeed invented before the Roswell incident.

  Here is the inventor.

  This is not to suggest that the artifact isn't of extraterrestrial origin...

  Colin Quinney wrote

  Hello Frank,

  (Long time...)

  Thank you for bringing that to our attention. That is truly fascinating. What 
is the story behind the acquisition?

  Has the material been lab tested? Type of ceramic, atomic structure, etc? (I 
wish my late friend Nick Reiter was still alive. He would love to test it.) 

  Have you or anyone else applied any kind of high voltage, or electromagnetic 
energy while weighing the samples?

- Original Message - 
From: Frank Znidarsic

Subject: Pictures of debris from the Roswell Crash Site

I had a chance to get my hands on the debris. 

Frank Znidarsic

[Vo]:Pictures of debris from the Roswell Crash Site

2020-06-04 Thread Frank Znidarsic
Thank you Jones.
The part does look like a titanium oxide catalytic converter.  I hope that I 
have not been duped.

Re: [Vo]:Pictures of debris from the Roswell Crash Site

2020-06-04 Thread Frank Znidarsic

This is not to suggest that the artifact isn't of extraterrestrial origin...

I dont know it is of extraterrestrial origin.  It was collected by an army man 
on the cleanup crew who was attached to the Johnsville Navel station.  A friend 
of mine recently inherited it.  


Re: Re [Vo]:Pictures of debris from the Roswell Crash Site

2020-06-04 Thread Terry Blanton
On Thu, Jun 4, 2020 at 5:48 PM Jones Beene  wrote:

> This is not to suggest that the artifact isn't of extraterrestrial
> origin...

Thanks, Jones...I didn't want to say anything; but, it did look awfully
familiar...not at all like Art's Parts.  😉

Re [Vo]:Pictures of debris from the Roswell Crash Site

2020-06-04 Thread Jones Beene

 Good thing for us tree huggers that those aliens used catalytic converters on 
their UFOs ...     ;-)
Takes a lot of fuel to get here from Proxima Centauri b and that is a big no-no

Actually (before someone brings up the point) - the catalytic converter was 
indeed invented before the Roswell incident.
Here is the inventor.
This is not to suggest that the artifact isn't of extraterrestrial origin...

Colin Quinney wrote
Hello Frank, (Long time...) Thank you for bringing that to our attention. That 
is truly fascinating. What is the story behind the acquisition? Has the 
material been lab tested? Type of ceramic, atomic structure, etc? (I wish my 
late friend Nick Reiter was still alive. He would love to test it.)  Have you 
or anyone else applied any kind of high voltage, or electromagnetic energy 
while weighing the samples?  
 - Original Message -  From: Frank Znidarsic
Subject: Pictures of debris from the Roswell Crash Site

   I had a chance to get my hands on the debris. 
 Frank Znidarsic

Re: [Vo]:Pictures of debris from the Roswell Crash Site

2020-06-04 Thread Colin Quinney

Hello Frank,

(Long time...)

Thank you for bringing that to our attention. That is truly fascinating. What 
is the story behind the acquisition?

Has the material been lab tested? Type of ceramic, atomic structure, etc? (I 
wish my late friend Nick Reiter was still alive. He would love to test it.) 

Have you or anyone else applied any kind of high voltage, or electromagnetic 
energy while weighing the samples?

Best Regards,
Colin Quinney

cc: Don Mitchell
  - Original Message - 
  From: Frank Znidarsic 
  Sent: Wednesday, June 03, 2020 8:27 PM
  Subject: [Vo]:Pictures of debris from the Roswell Crash Site

  Subject: Pictures of debris from the Roswell Crash Site

  I had a chance to get my hands on the debris. 

  Frank Znidarsic

[Vo]:Pictures of debris from the Roswell Crash Site

2020-06-03 Thread Frank Znidarsic

Subject: Pictures of debris from the Roswell Crash Site

I had a chance to get my hands on the debris.

Frank Znidarsic

[Vo]:Pictures of debris from the Roswell Crash Site

2020-06-03 Thread Frank Znidarsic
I had a chance to get my hands on the debris.

Frank Znidarsic