Here is a self-explanatory note to Robert Duncan. He was not able to attend
ICCF-16 because of the snowstorms in the U.S. If he sends me a copy of his
address, I will post it here.


That was a great address you did not give at ICCF-16. Mike Melich read it
aloud from his Ipad.

If you would like to send me a copy I would be happy to upload it to

It wasn't much of a conference so it is just as well for you that you missed
it. There were few Indian participants. The main purpose of the conference
was to spur Indian participation in the field. However even though there
were a few Indian participants, that may be accomplished anyway because
there was a pre-conference meeting at a university and another meeting there
on Wednesday. The people there reportedly seemed enthusiastic.

There were also four people from Korea who seem likely to begin research.
They may even sponsor the next conference.

Still the field remains largely moribund.

The most important person at the conference was Rossi who -- like you and
Macavity the mystery cat -- was not there.

- Jed

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