Re: [Vo]: The tides have changed... The genie is out of the bottle.

2011-01-23 Thread Horace Heffner

On Jan 22, 2011, at 9:16 PM, Mark Iverson wrote:

I highly doubt that anyone can come close to predicting what will  
happen from here... Clean, cheap
complexity of those interactions makes it difficult if not  
impossible to predict how this is going

to play out...

Good or bad, the genie is out of the bottle and there's no way  
anyone can stuff it back in... I
sincerely hope, pray, that the human species has matured enough to  
accept the responsibility that

comes with this kind of discovery.


Well said!

Pandora's box is already open on so many levels in the world today it  
may take a genie to save earth from all the evils about, and  
ourselves.  Only hope remains.

Best regards,

Horace Heffner

Re: [Vo]: The tides have changed... The genie is out of the bottle.

2011-01-23 Thread peatbog, a widely-read website, has a
non-sneering article about the Rossi claims.

Re: [Vo]: The tides have changed... The genie is out of the bottle.

2011-01-23 Thread noone noone
I think that Cold Fusion technology will totally change the world.

I think that NOTHING will be considered "impossible" again.

From: Mark Iverson 
Sent: Sun, January 23, 2011 1:16:22 AM
Subject: [Vo]: The tides have changed... The genie is out of the bottle.

I've spent some time reading comments on other sites reporting about the 
Rossi-Focardi demo, and I
must say that there might be 1 or 2 negative comments for every 20 to 40 
positive ones (and I'm not
counting people who frequent this site)... And those few are just plain 
of the data.  This
is a major change from just a year or two ago.  I don't think it will be long 
to 4 weeks max)
before we start to see favorable reports from mainstream media.

Personally, it's beginning to sink in, and my mind races to consider how the 
world and life will
change... Probably not all good, but then we've been thru many upheavals and we 
always come out the
other side better for it.  

I highly doubt that anyone can come close to predicting what will happen from 
here... Clean, cheap
complexity of those interactions makes it difficult if not impossible to 
how this is going
to play out...

Good or bad, the genie is out of the bottle and there's no way anyone can stuff 
it back in... I
sincerely hope, pray, that the human species has matured enough to accept the 
responsibility that
comes with this kind of discovery.



Re: [Vo]: The tides have changed... The genie is out of the bottle.

2011-01-23 Thread Terry Blanton
On Sun, Jan 23, 2011 at 10:34 AM, noone noone  wrote:

> I think that NOTHING will be considered "impossible" again.

I have always believed anything was possible given adequate time and
funding.  CF reduces the funding cost.


Re: [Vo]: The tides have changed... The genie is out of the bottle.

2011-01-23 Thread Terry Blanton
On Sun, Jan 23, 2011 at 7:59 AM, peatbog  wrote:
>, a widely-read website, has a
> non-sneering article about the Rossi claims.

This article has a photo from an angle which would show the steam
condenser.  However, others have stated that the steam hose was simply
routed to the outside.  Well, in the image, we see that the door is
ajar and open just enough to allow the black hose to exit but maintain
privacy in the experiment room.

Not real evidence; but, worth mentioning.


Re: [Vo]: The tides have changed... The genie is out of the bottle.

2011-01-23 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
>From Mark Iverson:

> Good or bad, the genie is out of the bottle and there's
> no way anyone can stuff it back in... I sincerely hope,
> pray, that the human species has matured enough to accept
> the responsibility that comes with this kind of discovery.

I agree, Mark.

Potential change of this magnitude is likely to be perceived as
unsettling news, perhaps even terrifying by many. Nobody, and I mean
NOBODY, can accurately predict what the eventual outcome will be – how
it will affect our daily lives. In religious terms, I don't even think
g*d knows what's going'ta happen next. Like in the comic strip "NON
SEQUITOR" g*d is probably sitting at his monitor, saying something
profound like, "WTF!"


Actually I don't believe there will be an "eventual outcome" as
history tends to be an infinite continuum of events. Granted, we
certainly can speculate. Indeed, we SHOULD speculate. We should try
our best to predict the most likely scenarios, and then plan
accordingly. But in the end it's the insidious little unknowns we
remain oblivious to that will end up doing the most damage. ;-)
They'll emerge from obscure little nooks and crannies and bite us in
the keester.

As for me, I have to confess the fact that there still exists a
significant part of my psyche that remains in total denial about the
Italian demo. It keeps warning me: "Come on, Steve! You just KNOW that
this dog-and-pony show is nothing more than another sophisticated
shell game – a con job. Wake up, Man! Don't make a fool of yourself.
Don't go about blabbing to all your friends about what an amazingly
kewel historical event this is! You just KNOW that you'll end up
making a complete and utter fool of yourself... again!" Believe me, I
can understand good'ol fashion herd mentality. I can understand why
most of the popular American periodicals willing to mention the
Italian event have tended to be derisive. It's pure defensiveness –
self preservation of the first order.

As much as it pains me to say this, it's really not that ridiculous of
a "defensive" position to maintain. While the latest weather reports
continue to predict increasingly favorable conditions, there is STILL
a possibility, however diminishing small those possibilities might be,
that a nasty hail storm could suddenly appear over the horizon and
smash our house of cards to kingdom come. And then, won't we all have
egg on our faces... told you so!

It's times like this that I try to once again remind myself of a
time-honored suggestion Buddha once offered up to his disciples - of
walking the middle of the road, of taking everything in moderation. I
still have a lot to learn from Gautama.

... and so, I wait for Monday's news.

Special regards,
Grasshopper Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]: The tides have changed... The genie is out of the bottle.

2011-01-23 Thread Terry Blanton
Personally, I hope that 2012 will usher in a new sun.  Not a supernova
of Betelgeuse; but, a slow, cold fusion which will render the
petrodollar obsolete.  May the end of the Mayan calender on the winter
solstice be the day that megawatt H-Ni steam engine goes online.


Re: [Vo]: The tides have changed... The genie is out of the bottle.

2011-01-23 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
Terry sez:

> Personally, I hope that 2012 will usher in a new sun.  Not a supernova
> of Betelgeuse; but, a slow, cold fusion which will render the
> petrodollar obsolete.  May the end of the Mayan calender on the winter
> solstice be the day that megawatt H-Ni steam engine goes online.

In which case anyone who sez the ushering in of 2012 won't be
terrifying for many are clearly ignorant.

Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]: The tides have changed... The genie is out of the bottle.

2011-01-23 Thread Harry Veeder
I hope for the better.

>From: noone noone 
>Sent: Sun, January 23, 2011 10:34:48 AM
>Subject: Re: [Vo]: The tides have changed... The genie is out of the bottle.
>I think that Cold Fusion technology will totally change the world.
>I think that NOTHING will be considered "impossible" again.