Re: [Vo]:Gullstrom-Rossi theory of nuclear/electron-spin-orbit coupling with nuclear transitions to lower potential energy

2017-03-24 Thread Jones Beene
Stephen, yes that is interesting, but Gullstrom should have teamed up 
with Holmlid, not Rossi.

Holmlid claims to have seen muons, and Rossi's claim is nickel and 
lithium isotopic shifts. There is really no similarity. But basically 
the paper is a sham, in that it does not present any experimental data 
to support the hypothesis.

The paper can only have been presented by Rossi in a last ditch effort 
to salvage a legal claim which appears to be dead-in-the-water.

Stephen Cooke wrote:
Well one thing I found interesting is the light Sigma Mesons referred 
to in this paper is I think around 500MeV.

This is quite close I think to the mass of the Kaons.

Could nucleon resonance of a Sigma Meson some how open the door to 
Kaon emission?

There is a nucleon resonance window for Phi meson emission used by 
Kaon factories such as Delphi and other such experiments but I suppose 
this would require higher energies around 900MeV.

On 23 Mar 2017, at 16:15, Jones Beene > wrote:

Well, this could actually win a prize - in the existential fiction 
category. It is most reminiscent of Sartre's 'Being and Nothingness.'

The "Summary and Discussion" at the end essentially says it all: "The 
needed parameters are not known from experiment" 

This would not be the first time that a decent explanation is 
desperately seeking to find a validating experiment, but there is a 
logical disconnect midway through, with no attempt to integrate two 
distinct topics... indicating that there is no there there.

Possibly a PR event in disguise... aimed at influencing an upcoming 
jury trial

Stephen Cooke wrote:
If I'm not wrong this coupling of isospin states of the sigma meson 
could even have implications at nucleon level. Especially if it 
really is the mediator of the strong force as has been speculated 
over the last few decades.

If this theory turns out to be correct and if I understood correctly 
that there is a long range coupling component under special 
conditions I wonder if this could also have implications for 
Holmlids ideas and experiments?

" " wrote:


Finally a theory coupling electron orbital energy states with 
nuclear energy states involving magnetic fields and isotopic shifts 
to lower potential energy.

It fits the LENR multibody reaction model and explains the lack of 
energetic particles associated with two- body nuclear reactions.  
 I give it a thumbs up!

And it may be in time for consideration by the distinguished 
Swedish Committee that evaluates scientific advances for 2017.

Bob Cook

Re: [Vo]:Gullstrom-Rossi theory of nuclear/electron-spin-orbit coupling with nuclear transitions to lower potential energy

2017-03-24 Thread Stephen Cooke
Well one thing I found interesting is the light Sigma Mesons referred to in 
this paper is I think around 500MeV.

This is quite close I think to the mass of the Kaons.

Could nucleon resonance of a Sigma Meson some how open the door to Kaon 

There is a nucleon resonance window for Phi meson emission used by Kaon 
factories such as Delphi and other such experiments but I suppose this would 
require higher energies around 900MeV.

On 23 Mar 2017, at 16:15, Jones Beene>> wrote:

Well, this could actually win a prize - in the existential fiction category. It 
is most reminiscent of Sartre's 'Being and Nothingness.'

The "Summary and Discussion" at the end essentially says it all: "The needed 
parameters are not known from experiment" 

This would not be the first time that a decent explanation is desperately 
seeking to find a validating experiment, but there is a logical disconnect 
midway through, with no attempt to integrate two distinct topics... indicating 
that there is no there there.

Possibly a PR event in disguise... aimed at influencing an upcoming jury trial

Stephen Cooke wrote:
If I'm not wrong this coupling of isospin states of the sigma meson could even 
have implications at nucleon level. Especially if it really is the mediator of 
the strong force as has been speculated over the last few decades.

If this theory turns out to be correct and if I understood correctly that there 
is a long range coupling component under special conditions I wonder if this 
could also have implications for Holmlids ideas and experiments?

"" wrote:


Finally a theory coupling electron orbital energy states with nuclear energy 
states involving magnetic fields and isotopic shifts to lower potential energy.

It fits the LENR multibody reaction model and explains the lack of energetic 
particles associated with two- body nuclear reactions.   I give it a thumbs up!

And it may be in time for consideration by the distinguished Swedish Committee 
that evaluates scientific advances for 2017.

Bob Cook

Re: [Vo]:Gullstrom-Rossi theory of nuclear/electron-spin-orbit coupling with nuclear transitions to lower potential energy

2017-03-24 Thread Stephen Cooke
Hi Frank,

You know since discovering your book I have always found your ideas 
interesting. I should take a look at it again though it's been a while.

I do think ideas have their time and come round again sometimes decades later. 
Sometimes after future breakthroughs people revisit past ideas and sudden they 
seem much clearer. I think there is a lot of potential for that with current 
breakthroughs in LENR.


On 23 Mar 2017, at 16:06, Frank Znidarsic>> wrote:

If I'm not wrong this coupling of isospin states of the sigma meson could even 
have implications at nucleon level. Especially if it really is the mediator of 
the strong force as has been speculated over the last few decades.

The nuclear-magnetic spin orbit force (not electro-magnetic) is not conserved.  
Under certain conditions it can dramatically increase in range.
I said this 18 years ago at a meeting of ANS-2000  and it was published by ANS. 
 The condition is:

"The constants of the motion tend toward the electromagnetic in a Bose 
condensate that is stimulated at a a dimensional frequency of 1,094,000 metes 
per second."

No-one else has been this precise.

Frank Z

Re: [Vo]:Gullstrom-Rossi theory of nuclear/electron-spin-orbit coupling with nuclear transitions to lower potential energy

2017-03-23 Thread Frank Znidarsic
I can't understand the use of the 29.0535 Newtons in the "Hand of God" book.   
My use of the constant Fm (20.054 newtons) is clearly defined in my book.  From 
"Energy, Cold Fusion, and Antigravity:

"The spring likeformulation (4) introduced the electrical elastic constant 
(Fm/r).  Like that of a rubber band, this elasticconstant diminishes inversely 
with the displacement r.  The elastic constant, of a spring, expressesa 
relationship between force and displacement. This restoring force, acting upon 
a mass, produces a resonant harmonicmotion.  This motion undulates in time.  
Matter’s wavelike properties emerge as a real effectof this action. 
The wave number converts a length into an angle.  The angle can then be read by 
a trigonometricfunction.  Equation (4) introduced the length2rp.  The 
electrical field fails when ripped beyondthis length.  This length was employed 
to set the wavelength l of the electrical wave number (2p/l).  The wave number 
describes amplitudes that undulate with position.  Matter’s particle like 
properties emerge as areal effect of this action.  Theseresults, taken 
together, produced Planck’s constant and reconciled the dualityof matter and 
waves.  Equation (4) is avery powerful result.  Its domain extendsacross the 
known classical realm and well into the quantum condition.  The production of 
quantum results from, aclassical argument is a revelation.  Itshows that the 
quantum minimums depend upon the classical maximums.
An extrapolation of (4) produced newresults.  These results include methods 
tocontrol all of the natural forces and techniques that could reduce 
inertialmass.  The technologies that may comefrom this understanding will take 
mankind to the stars."

-Original Message-
From: Frank Znidarsic 
To: vortex-l 
Sent: Thu, Mar 23, 2017 11:28 am
Subject: [Vo]:Gullstrom-Rossi theory of nuclear/electron-spin-orbit coupling 
with nuclear transitions to lower potential energy

I had two new constants in my work.  One was 1,094,000 meters per second.
The other was 29.054 Newtows

I was surprised that my second constant turned up in the "The Ether Model and 
the Hand of God"  since I don't believe in either of them.  Its been 20 years 
since I was working on this stuff,  what a waist of time.

Re: [Vo]:Gullstrom-Rossi theory of nuclear/electron-spin-orbit coupling with nuclear transitions to lower potential energy

2017-03-23 Thread Jones Beene
Well, this could actually win a prize - in the existential fiction 
category. It is most reminiscent of Sartre's 'Being and Nothingness.'

The "Summary and Discussion" at the end essentially says it all: "The 
needed parameters are not known from experiment" 

This would not be the first time that a decent explanation is 
desperately seeking to find a validating experiment, but there is a 
logical disconnect midway through, with no attempt to integrate two 
distinct topics... indicating that there is no there there.

Possibly a PR event in disguise... aimed at influencing an upcoming jury 

Stephen Cooke wrote:
If I'm not wrong this coupling of isospin states of the sigma meson 
could even have implications at nucleon level. Especially if it really 
is the mediator of the strong force as has been speculated over the 
last few decades.

If this theory turns out to be correct and if I understood correctly 
that there is a long range coupling component under special conditions 
I wonder if this could also have implications for Holmlids ideas and 

" " wrote:


Finally a theory coupling electron orbital energy states with nuclear 
energy states involving magnetic fields and isotopic shifts to lower 
potential energy.

It fits the LENR multibody reaction model and explains the lack of 
energetic particles associated with two- body nuclear reactions.   I 
give it a thumbs up!

And it may be in time for consideration by the distinguished Swedish 
Committee that evaluates scientific advances for 2017.

Bob Cook

Re: [Vo]:Gullstrom-Rossi theory of nuclear/electron-spin-orbit coupling with nuclear transitions to lower potential energy

2017-03-23 Thread Frank Znidarsic

If I'm not wrong this coupling of isospin states of the sigma meson could even 
have implications at nucleon level. Especially if it really is the mediator of 
the strong force as has been speculated over the last few decades.

The nuclear-magnetic spin orbit force (not electro-magnetic) is not conserved.  
Under certain conditions it can dramatically increase in range.

I said this 18 years ago at a meeting of ANS-2000  and it was published by ANS. 
 The condition is:

"The constants of the motion tend toward the electromagnetic in a Bose 
condensate that is stimulated at a a dimensional frequency of 1,094,000 metes 
per second."

No-one else has been this precise.

Frank Z

Re: [Vo]:Gullstrom-Rossi theory of nuclear/electron-spin-orbit coupling with nuclear transitions to lower potential energy

2017-03-23 Thread Stephen Cooke
If I'm not wrong this coupling of isospin states of the sigma meson could even 
have implications at nucleon level. Especially if it really is the mediator of 
the strong force as has been speculated over the last few decades.

If this theory turns out to be correct and if I understood correctly that there 
is a long range coupling component under special conditions I wonder if this 
could also have implications for Holmlids ideas and experiments?

On 23 Mar 2017, at 04:22, 
"">> wrote:


Finally a theory coupling electron orbital energy states with nuclear energy 
states involving magnetic fields and isotopic shifts to lower potential energy.

It fits the LENR multibody reaction model and explains the lack of energetic 
particles associated with two- body nuclear reactions.   I give it a thumbs up!

And it may be in time for consideration by the distinguished Swedish Committee 
that evaluates scientific advances for 2017.

Bob Cook