Re: [Vo]:Robert Park died

2020-06-28 Thread Terry Blanton
I think Bob suffered from cognitive dissonance.  I trust he is cured.

Re: [Vo]:Robert Park died

2020-06-28 Thread Jed Rothwell
Dave Nagel wrote:

> Bob Park was a member of my PhD committee at the University of Maryland.
> He, Scott Chubb and I used to meet annually for lunch and a discussion of
> cold fusion.

Perhaps I am stating the obvious but . . . This means Park was briefed on
cold fusion at least once a year. He knew what was happening. Many leading
opponents of cold fusion know nothing about the subject. They have read
*Nature*, *Scientific American*, Wikipedia and other sources of
misinformation, so they think they know about it. I am not excusing them,
but we can see how they inadvertently got it wrong. Park had the facts.
Even if he did not believe the facts, he might have checked for himself,
read original sources, and asked questions. He did not.

I am not a mind reader so I cannot say whether he believed what he said. It
seems unlikely to me based on the content of his claims, but people often
believe unlikely things.

Re: [Vo]:Robert Park died

2020-06-26 Thread Jed Rothwell
Years ago, Dave Nagel sent me a photo showing himself, Robert Park and
Scott Chubb. They were eating lunch together. A few days ago he wrote to me:

Bob Park was a member of my PhD committee at the University of Maryland.
He, Scott Chubb and I used to meet annually for lunch and a discussion of
cold fusion.  This photo is from 2008.

I liked Bob personally, despite our professional disagreements.  May he
rest in peace.

(I would post the photo here, but it is too big.)

RE: [Vo]:Robert Park died

2020-06-25 Thread
Where is he buried? There must be a very long queue waiting to piss on his 


From: Terry Blanton  
Sent: Thursday, June 25, 2020 6:36 PM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Robert Park died


I used to love his newsletter.  


)f course the magazine lives on: <>   


On Thu, Jun 25, 2020 at 1:27 PM Jed Rothwell> > wrote:

Robert Park died April 29, 2020, age 89.

Re: [Vo]:Robert Park died

2020-06-25 Thread Terry Blanton
I used to love his newsletter.

)f course the magazine lives on:

On Thu, Jun 25, 2020 at 1:27 PM Jed Rothwell  wrote:

> Robert Park died April 29, 2020, age 89.