Hi all,

I tried to build the new prerelease on my Mac, since it is supposed to fix all the old problems. Well... somewhat. After a few minor glitches, I got at least a working version of terangreal, though not wxterangreal. I'll try the CVS version later. Here are my notes of the build process:


configure: still not looking for boost in /sw
solution: --with-boost=/sw

missing libs/vos/extensions/revcontrol/revdefs.h
solution: copy file from CVS version

CS-23-02-2006 snapshot:

configure: ??? does not recognize/use --with-vos
solution: export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=$HOME/opt/vos

libs/csutil/radixsort.cpp:57:18:error: #if with no expression
effect: skips building libcrystalspace.a and consequently most other stuff
solution: change #if CS_BIG_ENDIAN
                           to #ifdef CS_BIG_ENDIAN


configure: still not looking for boost in /sw
solution: --with-boost=/sw

still warnings about no non-virtual descructor
(CS seems to use -Wno-non-virtual-dtor , sounds related, maybe to suppress this?)

fails to link wxterangreal:
g++ -g -O2 -g -Wall -D_REENTRANT -D_PTHREADS -DBOOST_HAS_PTHREADS - fvisibility=hidden -o wxterangreal wxterangreal-wxmain.o wxterangreal- wxgui.o wxterangreal-mainframe.o wxterangreal-tabentry.o wxterangreal- prefs.o wxterangreal-bookmarks.o wxterangreal-progmeter.o -Wl,- multiply_defined -Wl,suppress -Wl,-framework -Wl,AppKit -Wl,- framework -Wl,Foundation -framework CoreFoundation -framework AppKit - framework QuickTime -framework IOKit -framework Carbon -framework Cocoa -framework System -framework CoreFoundation -framework AppKit - Wl,-bind_at_load -L/Users/otto/opt/vos-browser/apps/terangreal -L/ Users/otto/opt/vos/inplace/lib -L/sw/lib libterangreal.a -L/Users/ otto/opt/CS/./out/macosxppc/optimize/libs -lcrystalspace -lz -lm -lmx -ldl -L/usr/local/lib -lmetaobject_a3dl -lmetaobject_misc -lvutil - lvip -lvos -lwx_macud-2.5 -lircclient -lvosimpexp_3d -lASE -lpthread - lboost_thread
/usr/bin/ld: Undefined symbols:
typeinfo for wxApp
typeinfo for wxThread
typeinfo for wxTimer
typeinfo for wxListBase
typeinfo for wxTopLevelWindowMac
typeinfo for wxFrame
typeinfo for wxObject
typeinfo for wxControl
typeinfo for wxGenericListCtrl
typeinfo for wxPanel
typeinfo for wxGenericTreeCtrl
typeinfo for wxGenericScrolledWindow
typeinfo for wxGauge

MacOSX (DevTools/XCode?) have wx in /usr/lib
no idea why this fails.

running terangreal:

export DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=$HOME/opt/vos/inplace/lib
export CRYSTAL=$HOME/opt/CS

cd $HOME/vos/apps/a3dldemo

after client connect:
[Fri Feb 24 16:33:38 2006 (2) search] No such message block defined "children-listen" [Fri Feb 24 16:33:38 2006 (2) search] No such message block defined "parent-listen" [Fri Feb 24 16:33:38 2006 (2) search] No such message block defined "property-listen"

cd $HOME/vos-browser/apps/terangreal

some warnings about no collision detection
fails to load crystalspace.graphics3d.shader.glcg

strange cluttered display
hangs with "rolling marble" busy mouse pointer
cannot move around or anything

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