Ken Taylor wrote:
> Cool! I was actually thinking the other day that being able to select and
> inspect objects in Ter'Angreal would be useful and not super-difficult to
> implement on the current architecture. I like the ui:actions object as a
> sort of scripting approximation, though i'm assuming it will probably be
> supplanted by a more general user-scriptable-actions mechanism in future
> versions.

Yes. It's meant to also complement server-side scripts. E.g. you make a
script that can be triggered by some random message you invent. Then you
can add an action that will let the user send that message with a button

> What also would be neat is an "advanced mode" which allows you to edit the
> properties on objects directly (assuming you have permission) -- including
> adding new child objects. Allow this to be done on the sector (or a
> sub-space of the sector, once that is added to a3dl), and you have basic
> real-time geometry building.

Yes, we need that.  I've been thinking about that a lot.  We had a
simple one back in the day, just did a few 3D properties.   I think what
we'll try to do is have a little editing pane/dialog in TerAngreal, but
it will be provided by a library, so we will also have a more complex
standalone editor too.

This is another place that OTDs could be useful: if the object editor
knows what types of properties to expect, then it can create useful GUI
controls for them in a generic manner.

> Of course, before allowing all users the ability to add objects, it would be
> good to hack in some quotas/limits and auto-destruction of old objects, lest
> your server grind to a halt from a malicious user.
> But perhaps I'm thinking too far ahead at the moment ;)

Yeah, I think we'll worry about that later. I'm pretty sure we'll be
able to implement all kinds of quota or throttling access control
behaviors in server plugins in the future, when they become neccesary,
as long as we keep Identities in use, and also perhaps more
robust/certain remote-site identification that might be coming in s5 IIRC??


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