On Fri, Feb 9, 2018 at 6:46 AM, Thomas Tarenzi <thomastare...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Dear all,
> I am trying to do the spce/tf tutorial using the version of votca 1.3.1. The
> problem appears already in the step 0; specifically, I have a segmentation
> fault at the step "csg_resample --type cubic --in SOL.dist.tgt --out
> SOL.extended.dens --grid 0.9:0.01:3.6 --comment Created on Fri Feb 9 [...]".
> If I try the same command without the option "--type cubic", it works. Given
> that csg_resample is called directly by csg_inverse, how can I solve this
> issue?
This tutorial worked in the past without modifications, so it is hard
to saw that went wrong.
1.) You could just try to run "csg_resample --type cubic --in
SOL.dist.tgt --out SOL.extended.dens --grid 0.9:0.01:3.6" by hand in
gdb and see where the segfault is coming from. Maybe you version of
gsl is too new.
2.) Alternatively have a look into inverse.log to find out what script
is calling, "csg_resample --type cubic" and change the script. But my
guess is that "--type cubic" was there for a reason.

Unfortunately we don't have enough time nor manpower to maintain
deprecated features in old versions of VOTCA, so you will have to dig
a bit yourself.


> Thanks a lot in advance!
> Thomas
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Christoph Junghans
Web: http://www.compphys.de

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