
No final de Agosto, no estado americano de Kentucky, houve uma Convenção de 
Cidadãos pela Apuração Eleitoral Legitima (Citizens for a Fair Vote Count), 
onde vários palestrantes defenderam a volta do "voto impresso em colocado 
em urnas vazias" para dar maiores garantias contra possíveis fraudes na 
apuração eleitoral.

Alguns argumentos que eles estão apresentando são bastante aplicáveis aqui 
entre nós, por exemplo, quando um dos palestrantes perguntou num programa 
de rádio a um oficial da Justiça Eleitoral se ele conhecia a pessoa que fez 
os programas das urnas (e como poderia ele poderia provar e garantir que 
eram honestos) e a resposta foi: "Eu não o conheço."

Me parece uma luta semelhante a nossa aqui do Fórum do Voto Eletrônico pelo 
Voto Seguro, só que eles parecem estar mais bem organizados pois já estão 
fazendo convenções!

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Segue abaixo o texto "Vote Fraud Conference" tirado pa página:

editor's note: this article will be published in the October edition of the 
Peasants' Press.

Fixing the fixing of elections
By Barry Bright
Sept. 7, 2000

   When our Republic was new voters signed their names to public petitions 
for the candidates of their choice.
    Now we often push a button on a machine that few understand and bytes 
of electronic information flow to the proper place and registers a vote for 
the candidates of someone else s choice, according to the speakers at the 
Citizens for a Fair Vote Count Convention.
    "We re not saying every election is fixed," said Jim Condit, Director 
of Citizens for a Fair Vote Count. "But every key election can be fixed."
    Condit and other speakers covered several subjects during a convention 
held in Northern Kentucky at the Cincinnati Airport on the last weekend in 
    Most focused on computerized voting, something that has came about only 
in recent years and some claim has been used to affect the outcome of many 
elections. They called for a return to paper ballots in a clear container 
with all counts taking place at the precinct level and announced by outcry.
    In 49 states it is illegal for citizens to count their own votes on 
election night. New Hampshire is the only state where most votes are still 
registered on paper ballots and counted by hand,  though those behind 
computerized voting are making inroads there as well.
    One troubling aspect of computerized voting is that no one has ever 
been allowed to look at the source code of the vote counting software, 
according to Condit.
    Condit once asked an election official, on a radio talk show, if he 
knew the name of the person who programmed the computer. He didn t.
    "The question is whether the board of elections can prove it is honest, 
'  Condit said.
    Besides what the board of elections can t prove, no voter has had to 
prove his citizenship since it has been illegal to ask since 1976.
    Another danger is the call for  "direct democracy" made by people such 
as multi-billionaire George Soros. Internet voting would be impossible for 
the average person to monitor.
    Direct Democracy is in place already in Canada according to Brent 
Beleskey, leader of International Voters Coalition.
    Beleskey told of a world-wide network that wants to install internet 
and mail-in voting. Part of this network is made up of "anarchist and 
Marxist groups." He called this "organized anarchy."
    A company named Truballot Iinc. is one entity involved in this process.
   On the national election level, the Voter News Service, an organization 
owned by several of the major news networks, including CNN and the 
Associated Press, is an independent corporation that on the surface answers 
to no one yet decides the outcome of presidential and other elections by 
telling its members in the media who has "won" usually within minutes of 
when the polls close.
    "Immediate panic" ensued when Victoria Collier called the Voter News 
Service to ask them "What do you do?" Victoria is the daughter of James 
Collier who published VoteScam, The Stealing of America with his brother 
Kenneth in 1992.
    "Why do you want to know that? " was the response Victoria got from the 
person who answered the phone.
    She eventually spoke with a man named Bill Headline who told Collier he 
"runs the show. " The organization had no fact sheet nor web site he also 
told her.
    Between this national scam and the possibilities of computer vote 
fraud, Condit said what was once "retail vote fraud" is now "wholesale vote 
    Despite all the evidence Condit and many others have turned up, 
including the theft of the primary from Pat Buchanan in the Iowa Caucuses 
in 1996, most national third party candidates, the ones most affected by 
vote fraud, will not talk openly about this issue.
    "Ralph Nader won t bring it up, " Condit said.
    Howard Phillips of the Constitution Party bucks this trend. He spoke 
openly about vote fraud in his acceptance speech to his party and spoke at 
the vote fraud convention on Sunday.
    "The purpose of an election is the peaceful overthrow of government," 
Phillips said. "To give the citizens a chance to overthrow the government 
without resorting to force."
    Phillips once worked for Richard Nixon and told the group that Nixon 
knew the 1960 presidential election had been stolen from him but decided to 
not press the issue for the good of the country.
    Abolishing ballot access laws, a voter I.D. system, getting rid of the 
secret ballot, and repealing the 1974 election law amendments were among 
the items Phillips considered to be essential to restoring our elections.
    New Hampshire Rep. Bob Smith has alluded to the issue when the news 
media announced his opponent would win an election, according to Condit.
    "They forgot that in New Hampshire we count the votes before we declare 
the winner," Smith told an interviewer.
    Charles Collins, another independent candidate for president, told the 
crowd that "There is hope."  Because of election activists in Florida, Bay 
County has returned to paper ballots.
    The border patrol in the southwest told Collins that "We could stop 
drugs and illegal immigration if our employers in Washington would let us 
do our jobs."
    Vote fraud is not new according to Ron Keller, who exposed problems 
with a brand of voting machine in the 1960s. The Shoup machines were 
designed so that they could be fixed, he claims. In fact one company that 
manufactures voting machines makes slot machines.
    "The elections have been fixed for years," Keller said.
    Many of the speakers got involved in vote fraud investigation after 
losing elections in which they knew the outcomes just didn t add up.
    Dick Murphy, who is now campaign manager for Congressman John Schmitz, 
won what he called an upset primary several years ago but was  "blindsided" 
in the general election.
    "I don t think I could ever encourage anyone to run again because you 
have to run against the machines," Murphy said.
    Most speakers agree that without a corrupt legal system and judges that 
help cover up the problems, the vote fraud issue would not be so serious.
    Tom Ligenfelter of Philadelphia told the convention that he and others 
had to pay to inspect voting machines yet they were stripped while he was 
appealing his case. The machines were stripped before they were legally 
allowed to be.
    "Educating people is the only way to do it," Ligenfelter said. "In 
Pennsylvania they own the judges."
    Other speakers saw more of a "conspiracy" than some.
    "How else can you keep the agenda that you set forth unless you control 
the vote," asked Devvy Kidd.
     She has ran for political office several times and has often noticed 
discrepancies in the outcomes that she didn t think could be explained by 
anything but fraud. Kidd also noticed that incumbents who do well usually 
supported issues such as NAFTA and GATT while their opposition always 
opposed these measures.
    "Yes I m conspiracy minded because I saw the conspiracy," said James 
Condit, Sr., the father of Jim Condit.
    The Senior Condit is an attorney like his son and has been working pro 
bono on this issue since the 80s. "Nothing s changed," He said.
    "The paper still can be ripped off," warned Buchanan supporter Chris 
Schaper. He helped uncover the problems with the outcome of the Dubuque, 
Iowa caucuses in 96. "We have to count the vote ourselves."
    Schaper further warned: "I don t see how we can rely on anybody. Those 
guys are just working to get to the top and they don t care."
    "Where the law begins, tyranny ends," the Supreme Court once ruled, 
according to Dan Gutenkauf, who lost his vote fraud case in the U.S. 
Supreme Court.
    He had brought a case against local election officials and other public 
servants, 40 in all, including the Secretary of State and the Governor of 
his state. Some of them he caught on audio tape denying him access to the 
vote count, which is public record, and admitting other faults in the 
election process.
    "If we don t know the law, we can t assert our rights," Gutenkauf said. 
"Remember, they work for us."
    Among the ideas tossed out in the strategy session included the 
possibility of a class action lawsuit; getting air time on television and 
radio as a federal candidate as law requires to be furnished; getting 
activists to do as many radio talk shows as possible; and outlawing modems 
in polling places and in any place where votes are counted with computers.
    The group also plans to target a small county in Kentucky for 
investigation, probably as part of supporting the candidacy of Gatewood 
Galbraith, who is running for the 6th District U.S. Representative seat now 
held by Ernie Fletcher.
    "Elections get stolen on a lot of levels. And start out years in 
advance," Galbraith said. "The media truly conspire to withhold any 
coverage from anyone who s taking a non-party, establishment stance."

Citizens for a Fair Vote Count can be contacted here:

Citizens for a Fair Vote Count,
PO Box 11339,
Cincinnati, Ohio 45211.
Call 513-389-7700.

This is their website:  www.networkamerica.org and  http://www.votefraud.org/
Also check out: VoteScam  http://www.votescam.com/frame.html

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     Eng.  Amilcar Brunazo Filho
      Saiba da fragilidade das urnas eletrônicas
Conheca o Movimento em Defesa da Lingua Portuguesa

Pagina, Jornal e Forum do Voto Eletronico

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