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Americans are generally willing to try new technologies for voting, and the
type they're most comfortable trying is as familiar as their bank ATM,
according to a survey by Gartner Group, Inc.
The indecision following the November 2000 presidential election prompted
calls for electoral reform, including more modern voting technology. While
there has been much attention on Internet voting, Gartner's nationwide
survey of registered voters showed voters are willing to vote using a more
familiar electronic technology.

Fifty percent of those surveyed said they would be very willing to go to a
polling place and cast their vote using a touch screen, similar to a bank
ATM. Twelve percent of the respondents said they were not at all willing to
use such technology (called direct registered electronic voting).

"This finding speaks to familiarity," said Laura Behrens, industry analyst
for Gartner's e-Business Services group. "ATMs and similar touch screens are
everywhere, and there is little or no price barrier to using them -- I don't
have to install an ATM in my home to gain access to my bank. When access to
the Internet becomes as widespread and inexpensive as ATMs are, we should
expect to see greater confidence in using the Internet for voting and
related activities."

About one-third of those surveyed said they would be very willing to use
e-mail or the Internet to register to vote (34 percent), to request an
absentee ballot (32 percent), or to cast their vote on election day (33
percent). Slightly fewer (28 percent) said they would be willing to return
an absentee ballot via e-mail or the Internet. But proportions ranging from
27 percent to 32 percent said they would not be at all willing to use e-mail
or the Internet for these election-related activities.

"The major difference between these groups is their experience with the
Internet," Behrens said. "Heavy Web users are much more willing to engage in
e-voting. In fact, people who report being on the Internet at least five
days a week are three times as willing to try e-voting as are people who are
on only one or two days a week."

No more than 2 percent of respondents had used e-mail or the Internet for
any voting-related activity mentioned in the study, but that proportion is
likely to grow in future elections. Elections-related Web sites report more
than a million persons registered to vote or requested absentee ballots
before the November 2000 election.

The sentiment for e-voting is not unanimous. Even among heavy Internet
users, 18 percent are not willing to use the Internet to register or to
vote. That proportion rises to 52 percent among people who don't use the
Internet at all, who still constitute one-third of respondents in this

Hundreds of county election offices will be forced to adopt new voting
technologies in the next decade, according to Gartner. Many now use aged
mechanical lever systems than can no longer be maintained or repaired.
Similar numbers of election offices can be expected to respond to the
specter of hanging chads [definition] and move to replace their existing
punch card systems. Of Gartner survey respondents who voted in November
2000, 57 percent reported using one of these two systems to cast their

"These findings should alert governments to the need for significant voter
education as they adopt new voting technologies," said Behrens. "Even if
state and county governments find the money and technical wherewithal to
modernize voting systems, the effort will be squandered if voters don't
trust the systems enough to use them. The implications for voter turnout and
public policy demand a well-planned and well-executed strategy for rollout
of new systems."

Gartner's findings are from a nationwide telephone survey of 1,005
registered voters, conducted between November 30 and December 5, 2000.

December 18, 2000

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