Re: [vox-tech] Mythbox hardward compatibility

2010-03-15 Thread Wes Hardaker
> On Sat, 13 Mar 2010 05:31:44 +, Matthew Low  
> said:

ML> Might I ask what kind of SD tuner cards you have?

I have the Haupagge 150s.  I actually have two slightly different cards,
one with FM input and one with component video.  They both work pretty
much out of the box without effort in modern linux kernels and are
fairly cheap.
Wes Hardaker 
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Re: [vox-tech] Mythbox hardward compatibility

2010-03-13 Thread jimbo
Never used either.  Have done a little research and saw beyondtv as an option.  
I will look deeper into sagetv.  Thanx.

I use two hard drives for each OS.  One for windblows, one for ubuntu which has 
a bootloader that can boot other hard drives.  Its soo cool that this can be 
done.  If for some reason I have to take the ubuntu hard drive out or it 
crashes the bios will choose the second hard drive which still contains 
windblows bootloader!  I have done the single hard drive thing before but there 
are too many things to go wrong such as partitioning, compression, reallocation 
of files, defragging, yada yada yada.  Since I don't know Linux all that well I 
experiment with it a lot to the point where I have to rewrite my hard drive.  
Makes it very convient having both OS separate.
  - Original Message - 
  From: Matthew Low 
  To: LUGOD 
  Sent: Friday, March 12, 2010 9:31 PM
  Subject: Re: [vox-tech] Mythbox hardward compatibility


  Thanks for the info on HDHomeRun.  I happen to live in Orange County, but 
since I know Bill K from way back in the day, he suggested posting to LUGOD so 
here I am.

  Might I ask what kind of SD tuner cards you have?  It's looking and more like 
I won't be able to find one card that does both digital and analog.  That is 
unless anyone else throws out a suggestion.

  In regards to the video card, I checked the Nvidia website and they do have 
Linux drivers.  So I think I'm good there.  Unfortunately, this means I 
probably won't be able to get away with a mobo that has integrated graphics.  
Since my mythbox is not going to be for gaming I was hoping to avoid an extra 
card inside the computer and the associate power consumption and loss of air 


  Any particular reason you suggested BeyondTV over SageTV.  I've test drove 
the Win 7 media center and it seems pretty good for a built in media center.

  How would you transition to Linux?  I'm envisioning some type of dual boot 
system.  Does Win 7 have the same boot loader as Linux?

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Re: [vox-tech] Mythbox hardward compatibility

2010-03-12 Thread Matthew Low


Thanks for the info on HDHomeRun.  I happen to live in Orange County, but since 
I know Bill K from way back in the day, he suggested posting to LUGOD so here I 

Might I ask what kind of SD tuner cards you have?  It's looking and more like I 
won't be able to find one card that does both digital and analog.  That is 
unless anyone else throws out a suggestion.

In regards to the video card, I checked the Nvidia website and they do have 
Linux drivers.  So I think I'm good there.  Unfortunately, this means I 
probably won't be able to get away with a mobo that has integrated graphics.  
Since my mythbox is not going to be for gaming I was hoping to avoid an extra 
card inside the computer and the associate power consumption and loss of air 


Any particular reason you suggested BeyondTV over SageTV.  I've test drove the 
Win 7 media center and it seems pretty good for a built in media center.

How would you transition to Linux?  I'm envisioning some type of dual boot 
system.  Does Win 7 have the same boot loader as Linux?

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Re: [vox-tech] Mythbox hardward compatibility

2010-03-10 Thread Wes Hardaker
> On Tue, 9 Mar 2010 22:08:47 +, Matthew Low  
> said:

ML> SiliconDust HDHomeRun Network-based Dual Digital HDTV Tuner Ethernet
ML> Interface This seems like a popular tuner on Newegg and I like the
ML> idea of having the TV stream through ethernet. Seems like the same
ML> problem as the Hauppauge with only supporting digital channels. 
ML> Anyone have any experience with this device?

I just bought one of these recently and love it.  But yes, it won't
record the analog channels (nor can it record anything encrypted, but
that's already a known problem you're familiar with; note that more and
more cable companies eventually flip the "encrypt most channels"
switch).  However, at least in Davis (if that's where you're living)
almost everything is transmitted on both a digital and an analog
channel so you shouldn't actually loose much.

Worst case, you could also throw a analog capture card in the machine
too.  The nice thing about Myth is that it's very expandable.  My system
has the HDHR network box with 2 inputs and the machine has 2 SD capture
cards in it as well.  I never miss a show due to conflicts ;-)

ML> Video: Is there a Nvidia driver for the GeForce 210?  Can I get
ML> audio out through the HDMI?

Go to the nvidia website and see if you can download the proprietary
linux drivers for the card.  That'll let you know quickly.  NVidia,
unlike most other vendors, is pretty good at supporting everything with
linux drivers even if they are proprietary.

I don't know about the sound; I admittedly have a HDMI after a converter
from, um, drat...  that other digital acronym is escaping me.  Anyway, I
route the sound separately and fortunately my TV has one HDMI input with
a external sound input too.

Oh, and myth isn't the easiest thing in the world to get set up.  It
does take time.  Possibly lots of it if you want to fiddle more and
more.  On the up side, once getting it installed you'll likely never
want to use anything else again.
Wes Hardaker 
My Pictures:
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vox-tech mailing list

Re: [vox-tech] Mythbox hardward compatibility

2010-03-09 Thread jimbo
Its as if you are reading my mind.

I too am looking into building a pvr that has an ubuntu backbone.  I too 
have very little experience with linux however I am looking into a cross 
compatible box that uses windows 7.

Hardware that works in 7 is relatively easy as compared to Linux.  Finding 
such to work on both is a challenge.  I would first build it in 7 w/ 
beyondtv and once I established that I have it all working correctly then go 
Linux.  Heck getting 1080p setting in ubuntu seems hard in itself.

I was looking at the ati 5870 gpu that has hdmi output.  I have read online 
that you can get this gpu to have sound output but not sure how hard that 
would be to config in Linux.  I will probably go with a regular 5.1 sound 

I like your choice in mobos and gpus.  Evga is tops in my books.

You email intrigues me.  Hopefully we can coorespond and feed off of each 

Is there anybody in the group that has any experience building a pvr (dvr)?


- Original Message - 
From: "Matthew Low" 
Sent: Tuesday, March 09, 2010 2:08 PM
Subject: [vox-tech] Mythbox hardward compatibility


I'd like to enlist your help. Knowing nothing about Linux, but having the 
desire to not pay Microsoft, I am committed to putting together my own HTPC 
from scratch. Searching the forums, I'm finding that the message boards are 
way past my level of technical expertise. I'd like to go what some flavor of 
Mythbuntu to avoid having to buy Windows.

The overarching goal is for me to build a PVR that can still surf the net. I 
don't have a lot of spare parts around so I'm going to have to buy them. 
That's ok though, because I want to build something that might be more than 
I need now, so that it will last 5-7 years without getting too outdated.

Inputs will be the internet and basic cable tv.
Output will be to a tv via HDMI.

Must serve as front end/back end
Turns on and off by itself.
Needs to be installer friendly (I have zero linux knowledge).

Below are two TV tuners and a list of the three setups that I'm considering. 
I'm putting them out there for you to comment on, but feel free to throw out 
other suggestions.

Of course I will need a case, HDD, memory, PSU, and other misc parts, but I 
don't believe those will make any difference in compatibility.

TV Tuner:

Here are two dual tuners that caught my eye:

Hauppauge 2250 w/ remote
I read that the driver for this only supports the digital side of the tuner. 
First off, is this true that only the digital channels will work? Does this 
mean that I won't be able to watch any of the analog stations from my cable 
provider? What other cards that are still in production would work for both 
analog and digital?

Here's a link to my cable provider for reference. At the bottom is discusses 
the signal format.

SiliconDust HDHomeRun Network-based Dual Digital HDTV Tuner Ethernet 
This seems like a popular tuner on Newegg and I like the idea of having the 
TV stream through ethernet. Seems like the same problem as the Hauppauge 
with only supporting digital channels. Anyone have any experience with this 


1. Overkill
CPU: i7 920
Video: EVGA 512-P3-1213-LR GeForce 210 512MB 64-bit DDR2 PCI Express 2.0 x16 
HDCP Ready

Video: Is there a Nvidia driver for the GeForce 210? Can I get audio out 
through the HDMI?

2. More than enough
CPU: i5 670
Mobo: ASUS P7H55-M PRO LGA 1156 Intel H55 HDMI Micro ATX
Video: Built in Intel HD Graphics

Mobo: Any limitations (besides cases) using a mATX
Mobo/Video: Is there a driver for the Intel HD Graphics chipset? Can I get 
audio out through the HDMI? Will this output 1080p?

3. Pretty good
CPU: AMD Phenom II X3 720 BE
Video: Built in ATI Radeon 4200

Video: Is there a driver for the Radeon 4200? Can I get audio out through 
the HDMI?

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