Here's an interesting idea.  I think you all know about states and
state diagrams.  Basically you can have a few states (mad, happy, sad,
etc.) and some events which spark state transitions between them. 
This idea has been around a long time in CS (especially CS theory).

What if we model our characters as a state machine, but the
player/viewer's job is to navigate in this state machine to an
appropriate goal?  This is just like wandering around in a maze -- in
this way the "maze" metaphor from interactive fiction (Zork, etc.)
makes the transition from space to psychology.  Combine the two and
you have a very complex interweaving of character manipulation as well
as spatial manipulation.  Has this type of thing been done before?

---"Michael St. Hippolyte" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I think what Len said about viewpoints is equally valid about
characters --
> they are story driven.  They have a specific obligation to the
story: add
> some color, illuminate another character through dialog, or advance
> plot in some way.  Many of the characters in a linear story have
> roles and are therefore very simply defined.  Woe to interactive
authors if
> we can't figure out how to have simple characters as well.
> A hierarchy of characters can be envisioned where the various levels
> characters (subclasses?) are defined by the complexity of the role .
> example:
>  Level         Capabilities              
>  -----------------------------------------------------------------
>  Extra         Background role, canned behavior, no dialog
>  Color extra   Background role with dialog
>  Bit player    Plays a noticeable but unchanging role in the story
>  Supporting    Plays a role which changes as the story develops
>  Lead          Drives the story     
> I'm sure such definitions have been around since Aristophanes,
perhaps a
> more formally schooled student of theater could point us to the
> The challenge of making characters interactive is different at each
> Bit players in particular interest me because they seem to be on the
> of complexity.  Extras will always be simple while lead characters
> always be complex.  A linear bit player can be very simple, but how
> can an interactive bit player be?
> Michael

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