On Sun, 2004-07-11 at 12:06, Jon Bendtsen wrote:
> Den 11. jul 2004, kl. 1:18, skrev Martin List-Petersen:
> > I won't touch SpamCop (and surbl uses SpamCop). They list too many 
> > sites, that
> > aren't spam. Even my server was listed there for about 2 days, because 
> > somebody
> > has reported a spam mail that went over the vserver mailinglist. 
> > Instead of
> > listing the originating mailserver for the spam, they listet the 
> > mailinglist
> > server.
> then just do greylisting

These mails generate more off topic traffic than the spam itself.
A solution is being worked on, as i have said earlier, that should take the
very last pieces of spam on the lists, but Rome wasn't build in one day
and you just don't simply implement things without testing on a production system.

End of discussion.


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