On Mon, 8 Nov 2004 11:05:00 +0000 (UTC)
Jesper Krogh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi. 
> I'd really like to test this vserver thing out, but currently it
> clashes with my policy of only installing things through the packages
> system on my computers. 
> Is there someone who builds Debian kernel-packages with the
> vserverpatch included?

You can easily create a kernel package using make-kpkg, see:
Use vanilla sources instead of debian sources (i.e. forget about step 1
and 2 and download the sources from kernel.org instead).

For the alpha util-vserver (the tools available from the debian
repository are not recommend for the 2.6 branch) you could use something
like checkinstall to create a debian package, but they come with an
uninstall make target, so you can remove them anyways.

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