Hi Everyone

I discovered that Mail is hogging 140gb of my SSD.

So, I decided to a major select and delete.

it wasn’t successful, perhaps these selected emails (maybe 140000) going back 
to 2005… are now in 'transfer limbo’ now I can’t move them to the trash, as I 
get the error message:

“1162275.emlx” couldn’t be copied to “Messages” because an item with the same 
name already exists. and yes I can only see one email in Mail Trash, and when I 
delete that email it reappears back the folder I just deleted it from.

Yes, Mail Trash is empty, have emptied Mail Trash various ways, but no 

Tried restarting machine, resetting PRAM… deleting the Mail prefences list.

'What Size’ app. indicated the V3 file in the Library for Mail was the large 
file and there is evidence of Rebuilds, which are also large and old.

Bit frustrated, 

What is the next step?


MacBookPro 2008
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