I've been using Macs since Mac Plus.
The last one I bought about 2006 was the first of the iMacs and mildly
regretted it because of its incompatability with PCs and shortage of soft-
and hard-ware which could be used by Macs.

The new ones do seem to be able to be able to use  Microsoft Office for Mac.
at least, so I ordered and paid for a new iMac Intel Tiger, rather than a

But possibly there is an even worse incompatability - with previous Macs! I
had expected to able to use if not previous software, at least hardware.

Apparently the Canon printer I bought less than a year ago can't be used  -
and, indeed, it's not clear whether ANY of the printers listed in the Mac
Store have drivers for the Intel Macs. My old Mac may be more compatible
with a PC than with a new Mac, or am I missing something?

Definitely NOT funny,

Dick Anderson

From: James / Hans Kunz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Sat, 16 Sep 2006 10:37:01 +0800
To: "WAMUG Mailing List" <wamug@wamug.org.au>
Subject: Re: Friday mac Funny :-)

just my 2c to apples life cycle.....

in 1979 i bought an appleII+, 32kB ram, used it for 5 years
1984 a apple IIc came onto my table, was in service for 10 years with
upgrades to 128kB ram, 4 disk drives, clock & microsoft basic card
(is actually still working)
1994 mac classic (b/w screen) with 64 meg ram, os7 & internet
capabilities did the jobs for 7 years
1997 mac clone umax (copy of 9600) with 512 meg ram, cd burner, os8&9
was my workhorse for 7 years
2004 a powerbook 17" g4 1gig ram, dvd burner took the place as main
machine (os9,10,tiger)
and now it looks alike that powerbook has a lifespan of only 4

upgrading to tiger still costs me alot because of incompatible/old
software (bought in 2004) which ceased to work (eg dvd studio,
digital performer and many other high quality commercial software)
because of all the changes (called upgrades) in the operating system,
software makers have given up & make stuff for windows only now (eg
corel draw)

result: there is far less software for mac available & every 2 years
you have to replace them which costs a lot
on top of all: tiger loves to play beach ball (instead of doing the
job) thus it makes it the slowest operating system i have seen

windows xp is now 5years in service & still going strong.......it
only needed sp2 & that is for free
during that time apple made 4 or 5 changes to the system, so serious
users had to !buy! new hardware & software........

unix is more than 15 years in use........

apple is using software tricks to make sure you are replacing
hardware & software regularerly (= money spinner for apple)

well i must be an apple nerd........James

On 15/09/2006, at 11:05, Rod wrote:

> Hi All!
> Found this while wasting time:
> <http://www.misterbg.org/AppleProductCycle/>
> Kind of scary how its pretty much spot on!
> Have a good weekend!  Go Dockers!
> Seeya
> Rod!

SAD Technic
Video Productions, Electronic repairs
U3 / 6 Chalkley Pl
Bayswater WA 6053
+618 9370 5307,+618 6262 5707, 0414 421 132
skype: barleeway

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