Hi WAMUGers,

Leopard is 'One Cool Cat', I'm loving it. I have not found anything 'yet' to complain about, everything is working so well. I feel my Airport Network is faster than in Tiger.

I have been using 'Back To My Mac' successfully, but have just read this from TidBITS,
so will be turning this feature off until Apple responds.

Back to My Mac Security Warning** -- Alan Oppenheimer and Open Door
 Networks are cautioning Leopard users to turn off the Back to My Mac
 feature due to a security vulnerability that enables anyone with
 access to your .Mac account password to control your Mac remotely.
 Back to My Mac is located in the .Mac preference pane, and is
 enabled by default. [Open Door has now posted more details.]

<http://www.isfym.com/site/blog/Entries/2007/10/27_Don’t_go_Back_to_My_Mac.html > <http://www.isfym.com/Site/Blog/Entries/2007/10/29_More_about_Back_to_My_Mac.html >

 They write: "The problem came in when we selected the server Mac in
 the client's sidebar. Instead of either connecting to that Mac's
 File Sharing as a guest, or asking us for that Mac's password, Back
 to My Mac automatically connected to the server Mac's File Sharing
 as that Mac's owner without ever asking for the owner's name and
 password. Worse yet, the same thing happened when then clicking on
 'Share Screen...' giving us full remote control of the Mac without
 ever entering its password."


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