Hello all

Recently synced email to iPad and still learning it's peculiarities.  iCloud 
not used.

1.  I sent email with attachment and CC to myself from my iMac.  Mail was 
received on iPad with attachment automatically displayed in body of text.  
Attachment was a downloaded PDF form I filled in using Preview annotations.  
The marked up form was saved to a folder and then attached to the email.  But 
the received iPad copy in Quick Look just showed the original form with no 
added details.   The sent copy shows the annotations.   Is this normal behavior?

2.   I assumed incoming mail is received on both iMac and iPad.  Is this true?  
The email mentioned in item 1 was received by iPad only.  (Mail sent at 2pm and 
read on iPad at 5pm.).  With no iMac received copy, I don't know if the distant 
attachment is blank or complete!

>From a puzzled Alan Smith

Sent from my iPad
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