Hi All,..

Just thought some of you may be interested in the following:-

---quoted from MacNN---
Mac G5 wins "Computer of the Year" designation
The iMac G5 has been named the "Computer of the Year" by The Washington
Times: "It will cost close to $2,100 to get the supersized 20-inch model
with extra RAM and a wireless keyboard and mouse. That's a relatively high
price in this age of far-less-expensive Windows-based machines. But Apple
Computers IMac G5 is a very impressive machine.....But even if Apple fell
into the sea tomorrow, and if not another line of code were written for the
Mac platform, the IMac G5 would still be a great achievement that should
deliver sterling performance for years. Its compactness, and Apple's
emphasis on wireless computing are two very positive factors. I believe this
is a computer that will deliver several years of good use and thus is a good
value for the money.
---end quote---

And don't they say "copying is the largest form of flattery", well something
like that anyway. :o)

Can you say,..iPodMini! :o)


Kind Regards
Daniel Kerr

Phone: 0414 795 960
Web:   <http://www.macwizardry.com.au>

**For everything Macintosh**