Hi folks.

This is a conundrum ??

My wife has an iPhone SE and myself an iPhone 6s (both with latest iOS)
Our son is a pilot living overseas.
He shares his flying roster with us via Calendar.

Until a couple of months ago the updates always appeared (through iCloud) on 
both our iMacs and both our iPhones.
However a couple of months ago both iPhones stopped receiving his updates.
But oddly both iMacs still received them.

I have tried numerous ideas to return this to normal but failed.
Both our iPhones use 4 Calendars (all linked to iCloud), our son’s being called 
Then a couple of days ago I tried changing my iPhone Default Calendar from HOME 
His Roster immediately appeared on my iPhone.

So I tried the same with my wife’s iPhone and bingo … same result.
Then I changed them both back to Default HOME and both iPhones have retained 
the DAVID Calendar.

None of this makes any sense to me and I wonder now if this has to be the 
process with every DAVID update ?
Or does anyone know if something else needs adjusting to prevent this ?

Stephen Chape

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