If you haven't set your iCal up for the meeting this coming Tuesday, 7 August 
2012, then you best do so or stick a note on the fridge. Talking of which, I 
wonder how long it will be before someone comes out with a fridge door with an 
inbuilt electronic note pad on it (in it?)?

Anyway, I digress. Make yourself a reminder because this is the only reminder 
I'm sending out this month. Why? I hear you ask. Well, I'll be in Rottnest, 
feet up, rugged up, book in hand (a proper paper type book I can turn the pages 
of!!!) and wine within reach and, hopefully, listening to thundering rain.

Enjoy the meeting.

See the website for full details.

7 pm start - 9 pm finish.
The others will see you there.


Pete Smith
(Please Do Not Reply)

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  • WAMUG Meeting 1 & Only Reminder: This Tuesday 7 August... Pete Smith