G'day all WAMUGGERS.

Hope you've set your iCals for the WAMUG Special General Meeting  and monthly 
meeting this Tuesday, 3 May 2011!

This special general meeting has been called in regards to proposed amendments 
to the WAMUG constitution. The monthly meeting will follow straight after.

Go to the website for full details.

<http://www.wamug.org.au/>      for the post on the SGM. Leave a comment if you 

<http://www.wamug.org.au/amendments-to-constitution/>   to see what the 
proposed amendments actual are, download a copy or download the Proxy Form.  
Please remember, though, that the Proxy Form must be received by the WAMUG 
Voting Registrar by 12.00pm (noon) on Tuesday 3 May 2011.

<http://www.wamug.org.au/meetings/>     to see the full meeting details.

Don't forget the meetings now start at 7 pm but still finish at 9 pm.

See you there.


Pete Smith

(Please Do Not Reply)

[P.S. The notes from the April meeting are finally up. With Ronni's kind 
permission, I have attached a transcript of her short acceptance speech to the 
end of the notes.]

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