
I have tried selecting the eject triangle in Finder, selecting the drives icon and pressing ⌘-E and ejecting from Disk Utility but I keep getting "The disk is in use and could not be ejected" "Try quitting applications and try again".

I only use it as a kind scratch-back-up drive where I copy things I want to preserve so it shouldn't be getting used by any programs at all.

However I've tried quitting everything I can but still it won't eject;(

Is there some way of asking the system what is accessing the drive?

It goes to sleep but wakes up occasionally for some reason.

Here's what I got from About This Mac under USB High-Speed Bus ..

USB to ATA/ATAPI Bridge:

  Capacity:     465.76 GB
  Removable Media:      Yes
  Detachable Drive:     Yes
  BSD Name:     disk2
  Product ID:   0x2338
  Vendor ID:    0x152d  (JMicron Technology Corp.)
  Version:      1.00
  Serial Number:        00630A622222
  Speed:        Up to 480 Mb/sec
  Manufacturer: JMicron
  Location ID:  0xfa440000
  Current Available (mA):       500
  Current Required (mA):        2
  Mac OS 9 Drivers:     No
  Partition Map Type:   APM (Apple Partition Map)
  S.M.A.R.T. status:    Not Supported
  Capacity:     465.64 GB
  Available:    120.76 GB
  Writable:     Yes
  File System:  Journaled HFS+
  BSD Name:     disk2s3
  Mount Point:  /Volumes/Sea465


iMac 24" 3.06 2 Duo
3.06 GHz/4GB/NVIDIA 512 MB
OS X 10.5.8
Sitting on a empty 1975 Burroughs-B800 console

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