On the G4 i am trying to setup a desktop printer in Classic that is not connected to a printer
 ( so I can send A1 drawings to a printer via email)

I have the Hp 750c set up on my imac in Os 8.6

however on the G4 when I go to the Desktop printer utility and open it to setup the Hp 750c, I dialoge comes up saying

"Launch of Desktop printer utility failed

because >>OTUtilityLib<< could not be found"

I presume this is an extension
so I search for this in the G4 - nope non exists
I look on the iMac under 8.6 and OS9 nope no extension of this name exists

this seems strange that i can setup the printer in OS 8.6 on the iMac, but not under Os 9.2 on the G4 with similar extension sets?

so what can I be missing
any suggestions please
Gary Dorn
Permaculture architect
North Perth