My iMac Contacts and Safari Bookmarks data have changed in the last day or so.  
I think the Safari Reading List may also have been changed.  I think iCloud 
data has merged with iMac data as a number of old, previously edited and 
deleted entries have returned.

1. Can I delete Contacts and Bookmarks data in iCloud?
2. How can I determine what other data is stored in iCloud (and delete it)?
3. Can I cancel my iCloud account (which uses my standard Apple ID)?
4. I have signed out of my iCloud account on all my devices -  two iMacs, an 
iPad and an iPhone.  Can I again edit my Contacts and Bookmarks (individually 
on each device) and be sure that there will be no further “synchronising”?

This data merge may have been triggered when iTunes was upgraded to ver 12.3 a 
week or so ago.  I was continually prompted to sign in to iCloud.  I eventually 
did so.  Months earlier I had downloaded physical copies of my purchases that I 
wanted to keep and am happy to abandon the others.   Then a gremlin  interfered 
- I could not sign out of the iCloud account from my iMac.  This was sorted out 
but required serious surgery.  The patient and I are still convalescing.


Alan Smith
  Late 2012 iMac 27" Intel Quad Core i5  Fusion 3.2GHz 8G RAM - OSX 10.10.5 
  Late 2009 iMac 21.5" Intel Core 2 Duo 3.06GHz 12G RAM - OSX 10.9.6 Mavericks
  iPhone5;  iPad2;  ATV2

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