Refleksi : Mesir yang adalah negeri Arab yang letak geografisnya  berdekatan 
dengan Arab Saudia telah menghentikan pengiriman Tenaga Kerja Wanita mereka ke 
Arab Saudia dengan alasan perbedaan kebudayaan.  Dibalik alasan kebudayaan ini 
tentunya perlakuan tidak berperi kemanusiaan di Arab Saudia. 

Sekalipun sekian banyak  berita dan kejadian yang dialami  oleh Tenaga Kerja 
Wanita (TKW) Indonesia, tetapi pemerintah  rezim neo-Mojopahit selama  hampir 
lebih  40 tahun tetap mengirim TKW ke Arab Saudia.  Kalau senang dibodohi oleh 
rezim berkuasa untuk dijadikan budak, apa boleh buat, silahkan kirim terus 
pahlawan dewisa kesana. 

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'Abuse pushes maids to end their lives'

Published: Mar 6, 2010 12:47 AM Updated: Mar 6, 2010 12:47 AM 

JEDDAH: Housemaids are claiming violence and mistreatment are the main reasons 
why many of them try to end their lives.

In the last couple of years there have been countless reports of abuse in the 
media, including testimonies from maids about the withholding of salaries, 
verbal or physical abuse and restrictions on their movements.

"Maids never have the intention to kill themselves, but circumstances put them 
in a place where they are facing a dead end," said a recruitment officer.

Maids who are physically or emotionally abused have no choice but to either run 
away or attempt suicide. Those maids are expected to work around the clock, 
sleeping for only two or three hours a night.

"I worked in a house where the sponsors used to feed us one meal a day and lock 
the fridge later to make sure we didn't eat anything else," said Salma, an 
Indonesian housemaid. 

Earlier this year, a maid tried to hang herself from the ceiling. Another tried 
to drink detergent to end her life. Yet another threw herself from the window 
of a building. The lucky ones were saved. Maids are also beaten up or sexually 
abused by their sponsors. An Arab News report published on Feb. 27 told the 
story of an Indonesian maid taken to hospital when she fell from the third 
floor of her sponsor's building. 

The doctors later found that the maid had been beaten up and tortured and found 
burns and lashing marks on her back. They also detected internal bleeding and 
an injury to her head.

"Sponsors need to know that we are already humiliated by working as house 
maids," said Tess, a Filipino housemaid. "And we don't need any more insults to 
add to our misery. We are working for the money. If we didn't need it we 
wouldn't have left our family and friends in the first place."

Mar 6, 2010 7:42 AM 

Report abuse 
It is very sad article, we are Muslims and Islam doesnâ?Tt allow us to do such 
acts with human. Itâ?Ts a disgraceful for all of us. There should be some rule 
from their visa strategy, so maids can visit their countries after some time. 
Hope people can understand that maids are also a human being. 
Riaz Murtaza

Mar 6, 2010 7:43 AM 

Report abuse 
This topic doesn't need any explanation. There is absolutely no doubt about 
this. I wonder, why this issue has been ignored by the authrorities from 
several decades. I have lived in Riyadh more than 29 years and used to hear 
such stories everyday. 

Mar 6, 2010 9:59 AM 

Report abuse 
Unfortunately Slavery system got the new and legal name "Sponcership" 
Kafeel owned a slave as an employee through the legal work. 
Please stop this practice atleast in this Holy Country. 

Mar 6, 2010 9:59 AM 

Report abuse 
I think its high time that govt. has to act upon this. where are the shoura 
council and other religion priest.. are we really following human rights. 

Drew C.

Mar 6, 2010 10:00 AM 

Report abuse 
I have lived in the Kingdom for 18 years and when I hear of the non-muslim 
maids being tortured and not paid...I give them money secretly and arrange 
telephone calls to their families. This behavior by Saudi Sponsors breaks my 
heart. I tell my Saudi friends and they say..."Stay out of their business, it 
will get you in trouble". But I am human and God commands me to help.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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