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TUESDAY, JUNE 10, 2008
7:48 MECCA TIME, 4:48 GMT
Drilling 'caused Java mud volcano'

The thick, foul-smelling mud has forced tens of thousands to flee their homes 

Drilling of a gas exploration well – not an earthquake – caused the eruption of 
a mud volcano on the Indonesian island of Java, a team of international 
scientists has concluded.

The volcano, dubbed Lusi, has been spewing hot, foul-smelling mud for two years 
and has forced more than 50,000 people to flee their homes.

"All of the evidence points to a drilling induced origin for this disaster," 
Mark Tingay, an Australian geologist and member of the team of experts, told Al 
Jazeera on Tuesday.

Efforts to stem the mudflow
have all failed [EPA]
He said the gas exploration firm, PT Lapindo Brantas, had been "drilling with 
very narrow safety margins" at the site of the eruption.

Two years on from when the eruption first began, Tingay said there was little 
hope that any human intervention would bring it to an end.

"The time to stop this event has long passed," he said. "This is now a 
phenomenon that will keep going until it naturally dies out."

In a joint statement the team of American, Indonesian and Australian scientists 
who have been studying the volcano said they were "more certain than ever" that 
the eruption was "an unnatural disaster".

The scientists' findings have been published in the journal Earth and Planetary 
Science Letters.

"We show that the day before the mud volcano started, there was a huge 'kick' 
in the well, which is an influx of fluid and gas into the wellbore," British 
professor Richard Davies was quoted as saying.

"We show that after the 'kick', the pressure in the well went beyond a critical 
level. This resulted in the leakage of the fluid from the well and the rock 
formations to the surface – a so-called underground blowout. This fluid picked 
up mud during its ascent, and Lusi was born."

Indonesia's mud volcano

More than 15,000 people displaced

Mud 20 metres deep in some places

Mud enough to fill about 60 Olympic swimming pools gushes out daily

Government estimates losses could reach $5bn

In addition to the evacuations, Lusi has caused damage that the Indonesian 
government estimates could reach $5bn.

The mud now covers about 6.5 sq km and continues to flow at a rate of 100,000 
cubic metres, or 60 Olympic-size swimming pools, a day.

Various methods have been tried to stop the flow, including dropping large 
concrete balls into the mouth of the volcano, but with no effect.

The mining company, PT Lapindo Brantas, had argued that the May 2006 eruption 
was triggered by a 6.3 magnitude earthquake that caused widespread damage in 
and around the city of Yogyakarta two days before the eruption.

But scientists involved in the latest study said the quake was too far away and 
the change in underground pressure it caused would not have been enough to 
cause the volcano.

Indonesia's government has ordered Lapindo to pay $406m in compensation to the 
victims of the volcano and to cover the damage caused by the eruption.

Source: Agencies

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