REFLEKSI: Terlihat persobatan kental antara Ustadz  B'yasir dan president  
Bush, kedua-duanya menyetujui Sadam Husein Majid dihukum mati. Apakah Ba'yasir 
akan berteriak "Haleluya" dan Bush berteriak "Allohu Akbar" pada waktu 
diexekusi Sadam Hussein,  masih terlalu pagi untuk dikatakan sekarang ini :-))

Bush Applauds Hussein Verdict
On the Campaign Trail, Both Parties Hail Court's Decision

By Peter Baker
Washington Post Staff Writer
Monday, November 6, 2006; Page A16 

GRAND ISLAND, Neb., Nov. 5 -- President Bush and politicians from both parties 
hailed the conviction of Saddam Hussein on Sunday but disagreed on its larger 
meaning as campaign strategists tried to gauge the political impact just 48 
hours before hard-fought midterm elections.

Speaking in the shadow of Air Force One on a Texas tarmac and at later campaign 
events, Bush called the verdict a "landmark event" in Iraq's transition to 
democracy, and aides hoped it would be seen as vindication of his decision to 
go to war. Democrats were quick to agree that justice had been done for a 
vicious tyrant but argued it would not fix what they see as the debacle in Iraq.

The timing of the verdict, which had been scheduled weeks ago, stirred anxiety 
among Democrats who worried it could be a "November surprise" that would 
persuade Republicans to turn out, much as the release of an Osama bin Laden 
tape just before the 2004 election was credited with helping to put Bush over 
the top. Some voiced suspicions that the Bush administration had orchestrated 
the court schedule to influence the vote, a contention the White House rejected.

Some key strategists in both parties, however, said they doubted the verdict 
would make much difference. In a campaign that has been dominated by debate 
over the Iraq war, it provided a rare day of good news for Bush at a key 
moment, they said, but most voters had already made up their minds about how 
they view the situation there.

"It makes the environment incrementally better but only incrementally," said Ed 
Rogers, a Republican lobbyist close to the White House. "It reminds everybody 
of what a bad guy Saddam was. It reminds everybody of why we were there in the 
first place. I don't know that it drives any votes at this point. I wish it 
did, but it doesn't."

Hussein "was a brutal, evil dictator" who is "getting the punishment that he 
deserves," Sen. Charles E. Schumer (N.Y.), who runs the Senate Democratic 
campaign arm, said Sunday on NBC's "Meet the Press." But, he added, "I don't 
think his conviction makes much of a difference in this election, even though 
it's a very good thing that it happened."

Hussein has been a regular feature of Bush's stump speech for weeks as the 
president tells audiences that he made the right decision in removing the Iraqi 
leader from power and argues that the world is better off. By the time the 
verdict was announced in a Baghdad court, aides traveling with Bush on the 
campaign trail were ready with talking points. White House press secretary Tony 
Snow was booked on television programs starting at 7 a.m., and his office sent 
e-mails touting other reactions.

"Saddam Hussein's trial is a milestone in the Iraqi people's efforts to replace 
the rule of a tyrant with the rule of law," Bush told reporters before leaving 
Texas for campaign stops here and in Topeka, Kan. "It's a major achievement for 
Iraq's young democracy and its constitutional government."

Although he did not predict whether it would help the reconciliation process in 
Iraq, Bush portrayed the trial as a chance to expunge Hussein's legacy. "The 
man who once struck fear in the hearts of Iraqis had to listen to free Iraqis 
recount the acts of torture and murder that he ordered against their families 
and against them," he said. "Today, the victims of this regime have received a 
measure of the justice which many thought would never come."

He then introduced the verdict into his campaign speech later in the day, using 
similar language. When he announced the verdict at a boisterous rally here in a 
hall filled with flags, cornhusks and hay bales, the crowd cheered.

Other Republicans, who have been on the defensive over the war as U.S. troop 
casualties spiked to a two-year high, quickly jumped on the bandwagon. "This 
verdict is a victory for justice and a victory for the Iraqi people and all 
freedom-loving people in the Middle East," said House Majority Leader John 
Boehner (Ohio). His whip, Roy Blunt (Mo.), said the world is "safer because 
Saddam Hussein sits on death row, not in a palace in Baghdad plotting to harm 
millions of innocent Americans and Iraqis."

Democrats praised the verdict while still bashing Bush. "Tragically, I believe 
today's verdict does not change the fact that the administration's policy in 
Iraq has been the most incompetent execution of American foreign policy in my 
lifetime," said House Minority Whip Steny Hoyer (Md.). Senate Minority Leader 
Harry M. Reid (Nev.) said "the Iraqis have traded a dictator for chaos. Neither 
option is acceptable, especially when it is our troops who are caught in the 

Appearing on ABC's "This Week," Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard 
Dean called the court's decision "a great verdict" and said Hussein "is a war 
criminal and he's getting what he deserves." But, Dean said, the war remains a 
mistake. "This was a miscalculation by people who didn't understand what they 
were getting into. And if they'd listened to Colin Powell and the rest of the 
military, they wouldn't have gotten into it."

Democratic leaders avoided publicly accusing the Bush administration of 
orchestrating the verdict's timing but privately some raised questions, and 
liberal Internet blogs have been full of angry discussion about it. The Iraqi 
court originally planned to render a verdict in October but delayed it until 
two days before the election, prompting a defense lawyer for Hussein to write a 
letter accusing Bush of manipulating the proceedings for campaign purposes.

Snow dismissed the suggestion as "preposterous" and absurd. "Are you smoking 
rope?" he replied when a reporter asked about timing manipulation aboard Air 
Force One on Saturday. "Are you telling me that in Iraq, that they're sitting 
around -- I'm sorry, that the Iraqi judicial system is coming up with an 
October surprise?" Corrected on the date, he expressed incredulity, "A November 
surprise. Man, that's -- wow."

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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