End of the road for the Taliban menace? 
      By Ahmed Rashid, Los Angeles Times-Washington Post 
      Published: July 02, 2009, 22:48

      Has the Pakistani government, after years of vacillation, finally gotten 
serious about eliminating the Taliban threat? Maybe. For the first time since 
9/11, Pakistan's army has engaged in a decisive military offensive to drive the 
Pakistani Taliban and other extremist groups out of South Waziristan, one of 
seven tribal agencies that border Afghanistan.

      But it remains to be seen whether the government will be able to overturn 
the Pakistan Army's long-time support for the Taliban.

      I interviewed dozens of refugees from the Swat Valley who have swamped 
Mardan, a town in the North West Frontier Province. Many said they would not 
return home until the army has removed the Taliban from the area. 

      "We watched the army play games for two years, allowing the Taliban to 
take over the valley, allowing their radio stations to broadcast hate, allowing 
them to terrorise us," a man from Mingora, in the Swat district, told me. 

      "We will go back when the leaders of the Taliban are dead."

      The Swat refugees are worried because the government is pressuring them 
to return home even though not a single Taliban leader was killed in the 
offensive - they all managed to escape.

      On June 15, General Ashfaq Kayani, who leads the army, declared 
unequivocally that the Taliban chiefs were "not fighting for Islam" and "must 
be eliminated".

      The army has now deployed in South Waziristan, where the chief of the 
Pakistani Taliban Baitullah Mehsud, along with the Afghan Taliban and Al Qaida 
leaders is believed to be hiding.

      This is hopeful news. But the army will have to take a different path 
than in the past. Since 2005, the army and its intelligence services have 
launched periodic offensives against the Taliban along the Afghan border, only 
to pull back, holding talks and conducting ceasefires.

      In the NWFP, in the autonomous tribal agencies known as the Federal 
Administered Tribal Agencies (FATA), the army has failed to protect 
pro-government tribal elders and chiefs. More than 300 were killed by the 
Taliban and Al Qaida, and hundreds more fled the region. 

      Just recently, a tribal leader who had switched sides from the Taliban to 
the government was shot dead by the Taliban. The disappearance of that 
traditional leadership, which supported Islamic moderation, tribal culture and 
the code of the Pashtuns, allowed the Taliban to extend its writ over the whole 

      Protecting the population, especially those loyal to the government, is 
the very first lesson in counter-insurgency, but the army failed to apply it in 
FATA. It cannot afford to make the same mistake in South Waziristan.

      The army's offensive in the FATA region is crucial to global security 
because the area is home to Al Qaida and numerous allied groups. But it will 
not be easy. The mountainous region lacks infrastructure and is now in the 
hands of the Taliban. The army's paramilitary troops have never won a decisive 
victory there.

      This time, regular troops will be involved too, and American forces on 
the Afghan side will prevent the Taliban from escaping into Afghanistan. But 
the Taliban and its allies are expected to create a distraction by opening new 
fronts in Punjab and intensifying suicide bombings in Pakistani cities.

      A key determiner of success will be the army's attitude towards the 
Afghan Taliban. After the Taliban was stripped of power in Afghanistan in 2001, 
the regime of former Pakistani president Pervez Musharraf gave refuge to the 
Afghan Taliban leadership and thousands of fighters. 

      Using bases, recruitment and logistics in Pak-istan, they revived their 
movement in Afghanistan in 2003 and today control much of southern and eastern 

      Despite the presence of about 100,000 US and Nato troops, Taliban attacks 
in Afghanistan soared by 59 per cent in the first five months of 2009 compared 
with the same period last year. In a single week in mid-June, there were more 
than 400 Taliban attacks - the most ever.

      Eliminating the Taliban threat will involve a battle of wills. If the US 
or Nato falters at this juncture, it would be a signal for the Afghan 
population that the Taliban is winning and that Western forces want to opt out.

      In the end, though, it is Pakistan that must commit to eliminating Afghan 
Taliban leaders who continue living in Pakistan. Destroying their facilities in 
Pakistan, enforcing a cease-fire during the elections and pressuring them into 
talks with the Kabul government are just some of the steps that Islamabad can 

      For the army and President Asif Ali Zardari's government, international 
support is crucial. So is greater maturity by India, which must revive stalled 
peace talks with Pakistan on the disputed territory of Kashmir. Reducing the 
threat along the Indo-Pakistan border would allow Pakistani troops to focus 
more fully on the Taliban.

      The Pakistani public, army and government have realised the Taliban 
threat. That is a crucial first step. But it needs strong international support 
to effectively respond.

      Rashid, a Pakistani journalist and a fellow at the Pacific Council on 
International Policy, is the author of Descent Into Chaos: The United States 
and the Disaster in Pakistan, Afghanistan, and Central Asia

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