Alhamdulillah, pemerintahan king abdullah,
akan menarik sejumlah fatwa2 ulama2 Wahabi radikal
dan akan menjaga fatwa2 ulama2 wahabi untuk masa akan datang.

Banyak fatwa2 Ulama2 wahabi atas dasar injmak pribadi
dan tdk berdasarkankpd spirit Islam secara menyeluruh
akirnya agama islam kelihat Ugly dan extrimis dan sampai
ke teror....

Banyak fatwa2 Ulama2 wahabi yang menyebarkan bahwa darah orang2
kafir adalah haram dan wajib diperangi.

Fatwa2 ini akan ditarik dari kitab2 dan media cetak

Semoga MUI akan menarik fatwa Haramnya kpd islam ahmadiyah,
Liberla,demokrasi dan plural.

Kalau tidak menarik artinya MUI berpihak kpd ulama2 Wahabi
Radikal dan menyetujui Fatwa2 darah orang2 kafir adalah halal...



Ahlul Bayt News Agency (, Radical Islamic decrees out of hand in Saudi 
Arabia, religious authorities say.

Saudi authorities are planning to regulate the issuance of Islamic rulings by 
limiting the number of Wahhabi religious personalities allowed to formulate 
religious decrees.

The plan is currently being discussed by the Higher Council of Religious 
Scholars and could be implemented as early as next month.

"If the Saudi authorities regulate the fatwa industry, it will reduce the 
amount of extreme fatwas and it will send a positive message to those who are 
irresponsible and unaccountable with their fatwas," Dr. Khalil Al-Khalil, a 
former Saudi member of parliament and an expert on Islamic trends, told The 
Media Line. "It will send them a message that they are not doing the right 

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