King Abdullah, 84, appears sincere in his desire to bring more moderation, but 
he has opponents within the royal family. (Saudi Press Agency, via Reuters) 
For Saudi liberals, a ripple of hope in a sea of tradition

By Robert F. Worth Published: March 3, 2009

RIYADH, Saudi Arabia:   Ever since King Abdullah announced a sweeping cabinet 
reshuffle two weeks ago, Saudi liberals have been in a rare holiday mood. Many 
have hailed the changes - including the replacement of some major conservative 
figures and the appointment of the first female deputy minister - as a 
"mini-revolution" and proof that the king is at last willing to tame this 
country's hard-line religious establishment.

But there is a larger, more conservative constituency here, and its members 
tend to dismiss those liberal hopes as fantasies.

"These are merely dreams and wishes for things that will not happen," said 
Sheik Sulayman al-Daweesh, a prominent conservative cleric who is a staunch 
defender of this country's feared religious police. The reformers, he added, 
"would like to weaken Saudi Arabia's Islamic identity, and they will not 

Who is right? It may be too early to say.

But even with all the political will in the world, King Abdullah's cabinet 
shake-up - his first prominent attempt to rein in the power of the 
conservatives since he assumed the throne in 2005 - will not succeed quickly or 

Saudi Arabia's judiciary and vast educational establishment are mostly 
populated by men much closer in outlook to Daweesh than to the small liberal 
elite. And while the king appears to be sincere in his desire to bring more 
moderation and openness, he is 84 years old and has opponents within the royal 

Some of King Abdullah's new ministers have already disappointed the liberals, 
who hope the changes will be the first steps toward modernizing the legal 
system and moderating the religious influence in the schools. After a newspaper 
published a photograph of Noura al-Fayez, the new deputy education minister, 
wearing a head scarf but with her face uncovered, she complained bitterly that 
she had not approved its release and would never allow herself to be seen in 
public that way.

Advocates of change concede that the scale and difficulty of the task are 
daunting, and that the steps may come too late for the current generation of 
people under 25, who make up 60 percent of the population. Unemployment is high 
- especially among the young - and the schools continue to nourish the same 
culture of extremism and xenophobia that helped spawn the Sept. 11 terrorist 
attacks, Saudi analysts say. "The Ministry of Education has been kidnapped by 
extremists for decades," said Mshari al-Zaydi, a journalist and political 
analyst. "I don't think we'll see any real change there for 15 or 20 years."

Still, the reformers have some reasons for optimism. King Abdullah fired some 
major conservative figures who had been obstacles to change, including the 
chief of the religious police and the country's senior judge. He installed 
people in influential positions who are known for their loyalty to him, 
including the new education minister, Prince Faisal bin Abdullah, the king's 
nephew and son-in-law.

In another landmark change, the king installed more moderate and diverse 
members in an important committee, the Council of Senior Ulema, that is 
influential in determining how judges can interpret Islamic law. A broad effort 
is under way to discipline and modernize the legal system, in which judges are 
now unrestrained by anything but their own, usually severe, interpretation of 
Islamic law.

"The king's message is that he is bringing new blood - legal, not religious," 
said Abdul Rahman al-Lahem, a reformist lawyer who has been jailed for his 
advocacy. "I am very optimistic."

More generally, the reform agenda has drawn momentum from King Abdullah's 
personal popularity and a growing public dissatisfaction with radical religious 
figures. The radicals had seemed to pose a real challenge to the royal family 
after a group of them mounted a deadly attack on the Grand Mosque in Mecca in 
1979. Caught off balance, the kingdom's rulers tried to outflank their Islamist 
opponents by imposing an even more draconian code of public morals.

The radicals' popularity began to wane in 2003, when a series of brutal 
terrorist attacks here killed Saudis as well as foreigners. At the same time, 
public anger at the intolerance of the cane-wielding religious police has 
grown, fueled by a younger generation that is more exposed to the outside world.

"The sacred image of these people was destroyed," said Awadh Badi, a scholar at 
the King Faisal Center in Riyadh, the capital. "Before, even the state couldn't 
touch them."

King Abdullah began popularizing the language of reform as regent during the 
reign of his predecessor, King Fahd, who was incapacitated by a stroke in 1996. 
Pressure was rising both from internal critics and from the United States, 
where the Saudi role in the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks - in which 15 of 19 
hijackers were Saudi - brought new attention to some of the hatred routinely 
preached in schools.

Textbooks portrayed Jews and Christians as enemies, declared that the crusades 
never ended and treated the famed anti-Semitic forgery "Protocols of the Elders 
of Zion" as historical fact.

Some changes have been made. But the problem goes well beyond textbooks. Saudi 
Arabia has 25,000 public schools that educate more than 90 percent of all 
students, run by deeply conservative Islamists who have successfully thwarted 
changes in the past. Some refuse to teach materials they view as insufficiently 
Islamic, or even to allow the singing of the Saudi national anthem - a 
requirement in public schools - for the same reason.

To many Saudis, the issue of extremism is less important than the fact that the 
schools are not providing enough math and science or the broader view of the 
world that their children need as the country struggles to diversify its 
economy and oil prices fall.

"Seventy-five percent of what my 13-year-old daughter studies is religion," 
said Fawziah al-Bakr, a professor of education at King Saud University. "We are 
all in favor of religion, but we don't have to make all our children into 

Even if King Abdullah succeeds, it would not necessarily advance democracy. In 
a sense, domesticating a threatening religious establishment would merely 
continue the Saud family's march to absolute power.

In fact, one change seems to have been shunted aside. The landmark municipal 
council elections of 2005 were to be followed by a second round this year, in 
which women were to be allowed to vote. Those appear to have been forgotten, at 
least for now, with no public mention of any further preparations.

But many reformers scarcely seem to care.

"Without changing the cultural infrastructure here, there is no point in 
elections or anything of the kind," said one ardently reformist member of Saudi 
Arabia's appointed Shura Council, which advises the king, who spoke on the 
condition of anonymity. "The extremists here are well organized, but the 
liberals are not organized at all. They don't have channels of communication 
with the people."

Muhammad al-Milfy contributed reporting.

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