Refleksi: Kalau benar apa yang dikatakan oleh Moussa Dadis Camara akan 
dilaksanakan dengan sungguh-sungguh  maka tentu sekali kwalitas para petinggi 
militer Guinea lebih memihak kepada rakyatnya dari pada jenderal-jenderal TNI 
selama ini.

      Guinea ruler vows anti-graft drive  
                  Camara said all mining contracts 
                  will be renegotiated [AFP] 
      Guinea's coup leader has frozen the country's numerous mining contracts 
and gold extractions as part of what he called an anti-corruption drive.

      In a speech on Saturday, Moussa Dadis Camara said he would execute anyone 
who embezzles state funds.  

      "We have blocked the mining sector. There will be a renegotiation of 
contracts," he said.

      "In gold mining areas, the decision has already been taken: no more 
extraction until further notice."

      Mineral wealth

      In his speech to around 1,000 representatives of political parties, 
trades unions, and civil and church groups, Camara denounced "ministers who 
surrounded the head of state who looted the country, who constructed buildings, 
and had bank accounts everywhere."

      "For the person who embezzles money, there won't be a trial. They'll be 
killed,'' he said.

      The West African country sits on one-third of the world's reserves of 
bauxite reserves, the raw material used to make aluminum, and also has 
important reserves of gold, diamonds, and other minerals.

      But because of corruption and mismanagement, Guinea ranks 160 out of 177 
in the United Nation's development scale.

      In October, the government said it hoped to raise $27bn in investment in 
the mining sector between now and 2015, but that forecast has since been rocked 
by the global economic downturn.

      Senegal support

      Camara seized power in a bloodless coup on Monday, hours after Lansana 
Conte, the president, died after 24 years in power.

      The coup has been largely condemned abroad, but on Saturday, neighbouring 
Senegal declared its support.

            "I call on all countries, notably France, to not throw stones at 
them [the coup leaders] and to take them at their word"

            Abdoulaye Wade, Senegal's president
      Abdoulaye Wade, the Senegalese president, said Camara was an honest young 
man who had taken power to fill a dangerous vacuum and urged other countries to 
leave the junta alone.

      "The military group currently in power in Guinea knows our support,'' 
Wade said.

      "I call on all countries, notably France, to not throw stones at them and 
to take them at their word.''

      The African Union said on Saturday it would continue to oppose the coup 
as unconstitutional.

      However, an AU official said that though coups were outlawed under the 
53-member bloc's rules, the coup leaders' apparent popularity at home could 
influence the council's decision.

      The military council was to meet with foreign envoys on Saturday in an 
effort to gain international support for his leadership, but the meeting was 
postponed until Tuesday.

      Kgalema Motlanthe, the South African president, condemned the coup as "an 
affront to peace, stability and democracy,'' and called on the military rulers 
to hand over power to the speaker of the National Assembly who is to succeed 
the president according to Guinea's constitution.

      Camara has said elections will be held in December 2010.

      Powerful unions

      Following international criticism that elections are not planned for two 
      years, Camara told Guinea's unions on Saturday that he would allow them 
and others to propose the name of a prime minister.

      Rabiatou Serah Diallo, head of one of Guinea's largest unions, welcomed 
the move.

      "If they deviate from the road they promise to take us on, then they'll 
find us blocking their path,'' she said of the coup leaders.

      In 2007, Guinea's unions led weeks of deadly demonstrations calling for 
Conte to step down. He retained power by naming a prime minister from a list of 
five potential premiers approved by the unions.

      But Conte unexpectedly fired Lansana Kouyate through a presidential 
decree in May after an uneasy 15-month power-sharing agreement and chose a 

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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