
Iraqi voters turn to secular parties
Correspondents in Baghdad | February 03, 2009 

Article from:  The Australian 

IRAQI voters have punished religious-leaning parties blamed for stoking 
sectarian violence, and rewarded secular parties seen as capable of holding the 
nation together, important shifts that will be welcomed in Washington and 
scorned in Tehran.

The biggest Shia party in Iraq once appeared to hold all the political sway: 
control of the heartland, the backing of influential clerics and a foot in the 
Government with ambitions to take full control. 

But the days of wide-open horizons could be ending for the Supreme Islamic 
Iraqi Council, as the signs began to take shape yesterday with hints of the 
voter mood from provincial elections. 

The broad message - built on Iraqi media projections and post-election 
interviews - was that the eventual results would punish religious-leaning 
factions such as the Supreme Council that are blamed for stoking sectarian 
violence, and reward Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki and several secular 

The early returns show Mr Maliki could be strengthened in his dealings with 
parliament before national elections to be held by next year. His Dawa Party 
drew strong support in Basra and Baghdad, two of Iraq's largest and most 
politically important provinces, according to political parties and election 

The outcome of the provincial polls will not directly affect Iraq's national 
policies or its balance between Washington's global power and Iran's regional 
muscle. But Shia political trends are critically important in Iraq, where the 
majority Shi'ites hold sway after the fall of Saddam Hussein's Sunni-dominated 

"There is a backlash from Iraqis against sectarian and religious politics," 
said Mustafa al-Ani, an Iraqi political analyst based in Dubai. "The voting 
gave us an indication of what will happen in the general election." 

Although official results from the weekend's provincial elections are still 
days away, the early outlines are humbling for the Supreme Council. The group 
had been considered a linchpin in Iraqi politics as a junior partner in the 
government that had political control in the Shia south. 

But forecasts point to widespread losses for the party across the main Shia 
provinces. The setbacks could include embarrassing stumbles in the key city of 
Basra and the spiritual centre of Najaf, hailed as the future capital in the 
Supreme Council's dreams for an autonomous Shia enclave. 

The big election winners appear to be allies of Mr Maliki - a vivid lesson in 
Iraq's fluid politics. 

A year ago, Mr Maliki looked to be sinking. Shia militiamen ruled cities such 
as Basra and parts of Baghdad, and rockets were hitting the protected Green 
Zone, which includes the US embassy and Iraq's parliament. 

Mr Maliki - with apparent little advance co-ordination with the US - struck 
back. An offensive broke the militia control in Basra and elsewhere in the 
south, enhancing his reputation. 

And many voters appeared happy to reward his political backers with seats on 
provincial councils, which carry significant clout with authority over local 
business contracts, jobs and local security forces. 

"Al-Maliki ended the militiamen's reign of terror," said Faisal Hamadi, 58, 
after voting in Basra. "For this he deserves our vote." 

The Supreme Council appeared to stagger under the weight of negative baggage. 

It was accused of failing to deliver improvements to public services in the 
south. And its strong ties to Iran began to offend Iraqis' nationalist 

Its leader, Abdul Aziz al-Hakim, spent decades in Iran during Saddam's rule, 
and was allowed an office-villa in Tehran. After Saddam's fall, the Supreme 
Council was Iran's main political conduit into Iraq, although it also developed 
ties with the US. 

Iran now could face limits on its influence in the south, with the Supreme 
Council forced into a coalition or second-tier status - and confront resistance 
from a stronger Maliki Government seeking to curb Tehran's inroads. 


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