Mother forces her children to steal

Published: Jun 8, 2010 23:22 Updated: Jun 8, 2010 23:22 

MAKKAH: Residents of Makkah have been left shocked following news that a 
naturalized Saudi woman forced her five children to steal from malls and 

Details of the woman and her children came to light after her husband took the 
couple's children to a hospital for psychiatric help and threatened to take her 
to court.

The father, who asked for his name not to be published, told Arab News that he 
only learned what his wife was forcing his children to do after they refused to 
obey her and told him.

"She was forcing them to steal and then blackmailing them into complying with 
her orders. When they stopped doing what she was telling them to do, she came 
to me and told me that they were thieves," said the man.

"I was furious and reprimanded them. They then broke down and told me that it 
was their mother who was making them steal. I realized that I had been deceived 
by her and then took my children for psychological treatment," he added.

The man also expressed remorse that he was oblivious to what had been going on 
for so many years.

His eldest son, Nizar, 16, told Arab News that his mother had been involved in 
some very disturbing activities for several years. "She's been in relationships 
with other men. She would leave us alone when we were out and go off with her 
male friends," he said.

He added that when he threatened to tell his father, his mother said she would 
tell him that he was a shoplifter. "I had to succumb to what she was saying and 
carry on," he said.

The man's daughter, Sahar, said that when she refused to steal her mother 
changed tactics and asked her to cover her while she stole herself. "She would 
also visit apartments where she would leave me alone in a room and go off with 
other men in other rooms," she said.

The man's other son, Majdi, 13, said his mother taught him and his 
nine-year-old brother how to steal. "She stitched hidden pockets in our clothes 
and taught us how to steal. She used to tell us we weren't doing anything wrong 
as these shops actually belonged to our grandparents," he said.

"We used to go out with my mother in the early afternoon and return with lots 
of stuff late at night," he added.

The man's youngest daughter, seven-year-old Rinad, said her mother told her to 
cry loudly if she was ever caught. "I was once caught red-handed. I immediately 
started crying and the shopkeeper let me go. He took back what I had taken and 
didn't call the police," she said.

Dr. Rajab Brisali, a psychiatrist at Hira Hospital, said the authorities should 
make the woman undergo examination by psychiatrists who specialize in 
criminology at Taif Mental Hospital.

"Children can be subject to all sorts of mental problems when their mothers 
ignore their duties as role models and guides," he added.

He also said that if these children are not properly treated they might end up 
suffering from mental illnesses, such as depression, when they grow older.

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