Hi Happy new year to you and your friends and your family and all creatures of 
all the universes of Islamic calender; the first day of the first month of 
Muharrum. http://www.islamicfinder.org/Hcal/ind... 


 December 30, 2009 


Andrew Marantz
Posted: June 7, 2009 10:41 AM  
Out of Arabia: Obama Speaks, India's Muslims Listen
NEW DELHI -- In his Cairo speech, President Obama made reference to seventeen 
Muslim-majority countries. He also spent a lot of time discussing a country 
where Muslims are a minority: his own. But he did not mention, at least not by 
name, one nation that Muslims have called home for centuries; a nation whose 
Muslim population exceeds that of the entire Persian Gulf; a nation where some 
of the Muslims best known to Americans were born, from Fareed Zakaria to Aasif 
Mandvi to Jamal Malik.
How could Obama forget about India?
That was a popular question at the American Center in Delhi, where the U.S. 
Embassy hosted a screening of Obama's speech. In a panel discussion afterward, 
a professor cited, approvingly, a long-winded column arguing that the speech 
should have been held in New Delhi. An audience member asked, with a quivering 
voice, "What is the Muslim world if it does not include India?"
But this cry of nationalism was taken up mostly by liberal Hindus. The Delhiite 
Muslims I spoke to were less interested in what Obama left out than in what he 
Bushra Saeed, who recently finished a master's in biotechnology, was "relieved" 
to hear Obama affirm a woman's right to wear the hijab. "I mean, you see me," 
she said, referring to her own headscarf. "I'm studying. But still, a Muslim 
woman faces two things: it's her choice to wear the hijab, but the modern 
people stop her from wearing the hijab; or it's her right to study, but the 
traditional people stop her from studying. If education is a woman's choice, 
then clothes too [should be] a woman's choice."
Arif Ali Khan, a Muslim student at Jawaharlal Nehru University, was convinced 
that Obama won major points with Indian Muslims, even if he did not mention 
them explicitly. "Right now, the average Indian Muslim thinks that Saudia 
Arabia is one of the biggest funders of the Taliban. If anything, this is the 
problem Indian Muslims will have with the U.S.: 'Why are you funding these 
Saudi guys?' So the fact that [Obama] has stood up against corrupt Arab 
governments- -I think Indian Muslims will be encouraged by this."
Shahnawaz Ali Rehan, Secretary of the Students Islamic Organization of India 
(SIO), failed to suppress his proud grin as he recounted Obama's biography: 
Harvard Law Review editor, accomplished author. "Obama is a powerful writer, 
powerful orator...He also addressed the emotion of individuals, like how we 
must pick a straight path, not the easiest path. The way he spoke...it was like 
a good mosaic. A good combination of data, good eloquent power, analysis, 
Suhail K. K., President of the SIO, said simply: "This speech was something 
that touched all of our hearts." 
Of course, love for Obama does not always imply love for the United States. 
Suhail, for one, is as cynical about America as he is hopeful about its new 
President. "Obama is personally against the policy of imposing great power; but 
as a representative of the United States, he must represent the cause of war. 
The very existence of the United States is by killing, by imposing, starting 
with the discovery of America, starting with [Columbus].. .When we see into the 
past, the U.S. has no moral right to preach about democracy. They're actually 
against all democratically elected governments they don't like: Cuba, Vietnam, 
Indeed, every Muslim I talked to, no matter how admiring of Obama, uttered some 
variation on the same meme: actions speak louder than words. "It's a very nice 
speech," Bushra said, "but we expect some actions in the future."
This is especially true, it seems, when it comes to Palestine. 
According to Shahnawaz, "Palestine is the one thing all of the Muslims will be 
watching...This is a big move forward, that the U.S. president is saying that 
[Israeli] settlements must be stopped. This is a big achievement. ..but will it 
Back inside the air-conditioned auditorium at the American Center, the 
post-speech debate raged on. A Hindu fundamentalist rose from his seat to 
declare that the Koran advocated violence, and he was promptly shouted down. 
The next audience speaker waxed poetic about what he called "the Gospel of 
Obama," to which the man next to me grumbled, in English, "useless fellow."
Restless, Arif and I wandered outside for a chai. "The old understanding of 
'Americans are arrogant, they just want to eat a lot and have microwave 
ovens'--I think this is starting to change," Arif said, as much to himself as 
to me. "I think people will now be more able to see the complexities. "
One can only hope.
Read More: Bushra Saeed, Delhi-India, India, Obama, Obama Declare Us a Muslins 
Nation, Obama Trip To Middle East, Obama's Speech To Muslim Word, Reactions To 
Obama's Speech, World News 

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