Last updated: 20:34 (GMT+04) Wednesday, June 03, 2009.   Jumada Al Akhira 10, 

      Tunisia president warns against fuelling international hatred  
      By Habib Toumi, Bahrain Bureau Chief 
      Published: June 03, 2009, 18:02
      Manama: Associating a particular culture, civilisation or religion with 
"extremism" or "terrorism" based on crimes perpetrated by some extremist or 
terrorist elements is totally unfair and fuels international antagonism, 
Tunisia's president warned. 

      "Such a characterisation of a nation targets its past and present 
cultural moderation, and values of conviviality and peace," said President Zine 
El Abidine Ben Ali. 


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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